Photo Credit: Jenna Maio

Title: Princess Without A Crown: Returning to My Jewish Roots
Author: Jenna Maio
Publisher: Jewish Self Publishing



In her first book, Princess Without A Crown: Returning to My Jewish Roots, Jenna Maio takes the reader on her journey of self-discovery. Jenna, a typical secular Jew from Long Island, begins to grow weary of the repetitiveness and emptiness that she perceives in the standard progression of suburban life. She explores environmentalism, philosophy, and Buddhism before a trip to Israel changes the direction of her search for meaning.

In her relatable and deeply moving memoir, we witness her challenging shift to a more observant lifestyle firsthand. Jenna takes us with her on her journey from high school in Long Island, to Emory University in Atlanta, and then to law school at the University of Pennsylvania, with trips to Israel, Florida, and the Bahamas in between.

Jenna’s writing is honest, raw, and moving. She describes the struggle to adapt to a new way of life for her and for her family. Jenna does not shy away from the toll that a life change like this can take on family members and how life choices truly affect everyone in one’s orbit. We see the ripple affect of veering off an expected course as nothing happens in a vacuum.

Jenna does not sugarcoat anything. Change is hard and her baby steps were admirable and realistic.

Princess Without A Crown, available on Amazon, is both entertaining and at the same time thought provoking, uplifting, and deep. It explores purpose, societal expectations, family relationships, friendships, and ultimately asks the question of why are we here. Jenna’s book will leave you inspired to lead a more thoughtful and meaningful life.

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