Title: The Light of Day – Slices of Life and the Lessons They Teach
By Rabbi Yered Michoel Viders
Mosaica Press, 256 pages
Rabbi Yered Michoel (aka Jared) Viders, 47, is a lawyer, a rebbe who teaches and engages in kiruv, a family guy and, oh yeah, he’s also a writer. He became a ba’al teshuvah in law school, of all places, and today he inspires others whoever they are and wherever they may be on their spiritual path.
With a conversational, upbeat and humorous style that is both down to earth and sophisticated, Rabbi Viders in this, his second book, connects snippets of history and everyday life with the eternity of the Torah’s truth and values. Psychology and science combine with inspiration and self-help that is sure to leave you feeling uplifted, grateful and entertained. Moving, poignant stories mixed with Torah discourse and amusing trivia provide a recipe that will satisfy the palate of the most discriminating bookworm.
Thematically arranged on topics such as seeing the good, education, chesed and emunah, Viders says that he wrote The Light of Day to provide simchas ha’chaim, chizuk, inspiration and sparkling conversation at the Shabbos table. The book has rabbinical endorsements but is written for a broad readership.
Here is an excerpt:
There are simply no such things as minor roles in Hashem’s world. The Divine “casting” agency has hand-picked each and every one of us to play our unique, one-of-a-kind cameo in the unfolding history of the universe.
If you are playing a part (and you are) on Hashem’s stage, by definition, you are a far, far cry from insignificant. That moment when we embrace our role – however “supporting,” peripheral and trivial it may seem – when we strive to excel in that role, when we seek to discharge that role with enthusiasm and self-pride, that is the moment when we begin to experience the deep satisfaction and priceless G-d-given privilege of being alive.”
The Light of Day is a wonderful book filled with amazing and incredible true stories about amazing and incredible people (just like you). Over and over again, it demonstrates how Am Yisrael rises to the challenge of being worthy of the title “Hashem’s chosen people.”