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Feuerman conducted her research well, interviewing experts in many fields, like her husband’s Jordanian barber.

Feuerman is impressive for another reason. She is a Jewish frum writer who appeals to the secular Jew and non-Jews, her characterizations are nuanced and in-depth, yet always present Jews and Israel in a positive light. Both Feuerman and her writing is true to her source and because of that, her subject material and the perspective from which she presents it appeals to a universal audience.


Feuerman is busily working on several things, one of them a short story sequel to In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist.

As far as Israeli advocacy goes, Feuerman proves that the pen is often mightier than the sword. When Moshiach finally comes I want Feuerman to write about it, from the women’s section on the Temple Mount.


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