Affording College: Important Considerations For Every Parent
Any college-bound person should fill out the FAFSA a year prior to matriculation. Remember, your family doesn’t need to have a low income to qualify for assistance.
Should I Pay For The Young Couple’s Shana Rishona In Israel?
While you seem less enthusiastic about your son’s plans, your in-laws may be ecstatic about the idea. They may be more than willing to pick up the tab.
My Commencement Address: 7 Ways to Build Your Human Capital
An open letter to recent college graduates.
The New Pharaoh & Planning For Change
The best way to manage the inevitability of changing market dynamics is to plan ahead.
The Best Gift For Chanukah This Year Is A Good Financial Advisor: Here’s How...
It’s tempting for clients to want their fees to be the lowest possible. However, working with someone just because their fees undercut the competition may be shortsighted.
Shidduchim & Money: Should Finances Play A Role In Who My Child Decides To...
Yes, finances are a very important consideration when dating. In fact, I would rank it among the most important criteria.
Appreciating Tradeoffs And Living Your Rich Life
When deciding where to live, there may be a tradeoff between the percentage of your income that goes towards housing costs and the number of options for frum amenities which are more plentiful in high cost of living communities.
Personal Finance & Thanksgiving: There Is Much To Be Thankful For
I am also thankful that we have a well-established system for handling bankruptcy just in case an investor overextends themselves on any speculative investments. Most people deserve a second chance after they learn from their mistakes.
Remembering Daniel Kahneman: The ‘Zeidy’ of Behavioral Economics
The biggest stumbling block for many investors is themselves. The tendency for people to get in their own way is usually what prevents folks from achieving success in the markets.
Paying For A Wedding: When Machatanim Disagree
A caveat on my perspectives. My kids are not yet of marriageable age. My only wedding planning experience comes from my own nuptials. Although beyond showing up with a suit and kittel, and selecting a stellar mesader kedushin, my involvement was modest, and that’s being generous. My opinions, therefore, don’t stem from the details of planning.
Investment Strategy For Turbulent Times
It’s important to remember that this is not the first time that the world has been on edge.
Is It Wrong To Go On A Lavish Pesach Program?
I don’t oppose lavish vacations. In fact, as long as someone is living within their means, saving for their future, and giving to tzedakah, they should be able to go on the most extravagant and over the top vacation that they want.
Spending Money On Things Vs. Experiences
The importance of creating meaningful experiences is especially relevant as we approach the chagim.
Affording A Frum Lifestyle: Increase Your Household Income
You may be surprised how many companies would be open to having the right candidate work remotely regardless of their location.
Laid Off Before You’re Ready To Retire? What To Do Now?
It’s important to note that while you are allowed to collect Social Security and unemployment benefits simultaneously, depending on where you live, your unemployment benefits might be reduced.
Lech Lecha: The Oldest And Most Effective Financial Planning Strategies
I’m sure readers can point to their own parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents, who moved to this country to improve their respective circumstances. Whether it was to flee antisemitism and pogroms, or perhaps to find a job, moving has always been an effective financial planning strategy.
Seven Ways To Invest In Israel Today Given The War In Gaza
There are also other ways of advocating for Israel. This may include peaceful rallies and writing letters to your local politicians. While it may feel like our elected officials have their own agenda, the reality is they like their jobs and can’t totally ignore their constituents.
The 10 Commandments Of Personal Finance
There is a tendency for investors to find, and pile into, the hot investment du jour... When things go south, having an overly concentrated position in any one area of the market can be devastating.
What Should I Do With My 401(k) From A Previous Employer?
If you spent many years working for a company, it is possible that this pool of money is one of your most significant assets. Therefore, proper management of these funds is foundational to a successful retirement.
I’m Proud To Be An American Investor
The urban legend is that in honor of Haym Salomon's pivotal contributions the 13 stars, representing the colonies, on the back of the dollar bill were arranged in the shape of the Star of David.
Politics & Your Portfolio: Investment Dos And Don’ts During The Election Season
Do not rush to make investment decisions based on who the new president is. Take time to digest the information.
The Most Important Financial Decision: Who You Decide To Marry
I share this dose of reality: You don’t get a pass on math. If you do not have a high household income, you can’t live an extravagant lifestyle. You will need to make compromises on where and how you live.
Pesach Cleaning And Portfolio Maintenance
Taking the time to go through a checklist of items to ensure that your investments and financial plan are all up to date is imperative to achieving one’s goals.
Back To The Basics: Investing Is Like A Birthday Cake
Technically, stocks have unlimited upside. That’s why they may be the best vehicle for long-term investors who need their money to outpace inflation over that long period.
Shenkman’s 2023 Personal Finance Outlook
Investors should remember that despite what is happening in the world, the markets and humankind have always prevailed.
High Holiday Seats, Building Campaigns, And A Framework For Giving
Many congregants feel the costs to daven in shul are unwelcome or unnecessary. Their frustrations are valid. A frum lifestyle is expensive, and shelling out more money is a challenge for many.
Downsize, Upsize, Or Stay Where I Am?
Downsizing is a great time for retirees to go through their own things and dispose of items that they no longer need. It’s also a great opportunity to gift more sentimental items to children, grandchildren, or charity.
Should We Get Out Of California?
Despite what may seem like my impassioned defense of Los Angeles, I have only been there as a visitor. I can appreciate a great dinner with friends at Pat’s on Pico... However, I can’t pretend to fully understand the daily struggles of the average frum family there.
Do I Have Enough Life Insurance?
Before delving into the more involved questions about life insurance, it’s worth reviewing what it is and why it is important.
Should I Incur Credit Card Debt To Pay Yeshiva Tuition?
While sacrifices need to be made to live a frum lifestyle, NO family should be expected to accumulate credit card debt to send their kids to yeshiva. It's the yeshiva’s responsibility to do more to help parents in this scenario!