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Over the past three months seven groups of NCSY teen leaders researched non-profit organizations, meeting with and learning from these organizations’ representatives about the Jewish perspective regarding philanthropy.

On February 29, at Young Israel of Century City, NCSY held its first Decision Day. Judges heard presentations from the students, and granted the following groups $5,000 – to be split among them. The winners were Camp Chesed, Shoes that Fit, G’mach of San Diego, and The Hero Project Holocaust Education Reach-Out.

(L-R) NCSY Regional Director Solly Hess; David Malka; Menachem Kashanian; Daniel Sacks; and NCSY West Coast Executive Director Rabbi Effie Goldberg.


(L-R) NCSY Regional Director Solly Hess; Brandon Lurie; Sam Rhodes; and NCSY West Coast Executive Director Rabbi Effie Goldberg.


(L-R) Jaques Hay; Yosef Peretz; NCSY Regional Director Solly Hess; Sarrica Fink; Danielle Vildodrf; Eliana Jalali; and NCSY West Coast Executive Director Rabbi Effie Goldberg.


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