Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Note: The following is not a belated Purim Spoof. It’s a possible Pesach scenario, in anticipation of the Holiday of Redemption.



After the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, prophecy was given to children and to fools. I’m no longer a child and I hope I don’t qualify as a fool (at least not yet), so this is not prophecy. At most, it is a prophetic fantasy. But I prefer to call it a possible Pesach scenario – something that might, could, perhaps will, happen as a result of the upcoming Israeli elections. The elections are taking place during Nissan, the miraculous month of our Redemption from Egypt, the prototype of Geulah. This is therefore a most fitting time for the complete and final redemption to finally occur. So sit back, put on your spiritual 3-D glasses and let your imagination soar. And just remember, truth is stranger than fiction and if G-d so wills it, anything is possible.

At the moment of this writing, Israel has thirteen different parties running for the Knesset. New parties, old parties, united ones, divided ones; large ones, small ones; religious, secular, traditional; capitalist, communist, Zionist, anti-Zionist, Arab and Jewish ones. And of course, each one is either on the Right or on the Left. We are, after all, a highly opinionated, stiff-necked people, and every opinion needs a party. The sixty-four dollar (shekel?) question is: What to expect in a situation like this? Mayhem or Moshiach? No one really knows. Forming a coalition of determined, unswerving Jews is not a job for the faint-hearted. With all these conflicting needs, desires, ideologies and egos, only a powerful dictator – or a spiritual, other-worldly figure! – could pull off such a challenging feat. Which is where our Possible Passover Scenario begins.

Enter Yechiel Kadosh, a quiet, unassertive, young Torah scholar from a moshav in the Negev. Scion of a long line of famous Tunisian rabbis who traced their lineage back to King David, Yechiel served several years as a Hesder-combat soldier, then returned to civilian life and his yeshiva. He married, raised eight children, and supported them by working as a building contractor. Known as scrupulously honest and trustworthy, Yechiel suddenly found himself thrust into the world of politics.

A local party was asked to add a name to a list of candidates for the upcoming national election. They convinced Yechiel it was his duty to fill the slot and, since he was at the bottom of the list, they assured him it was highly unlikely he would actually end up in the Knesset. If by some quirk he did, he was considered a compliant candidate who wouldn’t make waves.

But life is full of surprises. The party did much better than expected and Yechiel found himself a member in good standing in Israel’s new government. Little did his fellow members know that under that gentle, unassuming exterior lay a man with prodigious talents, strong convictions, and an ability to lead, direct, convince and get things done. A looming national emergency was the spark that lit his fire.

Lebanon, Syria and Jordan were enmeshed in violent conflict near the Israeli border; Egypt and Gaza were in a never-ending battle to the west and Turkey was fanning the flames in the north. Iran, that ever-present source of evil, had successfully launched a nuclear missile and was now preparing to turn its sights on Tel Aviv. The entire Middle East was ablaze.

Little Israel sat in the midst of the conflagration. It was prepared for all contingencies, but was counting upon American support. President Trump, however, was preoccupied with his own domestic problems. And he was somewhat annoyed that Israel had not embraced his Peace Plan with gratitude and joy. In sum, the American cooperation was slow in coming.

As the security situation deteriorated, kippot began to appear on the heads of Likud members and several Labor members broached Chabad about opening a Tefillin booth at the entrance to the Knesset. “It doesn’t hurt,” they said. “And who knows? It might help…”

Realizing the time was ripe, Yechiel accomplished the impossible. He managed to fuse all the religious parties – the Religious Zionists, the chareidim, Shas, and various other nominally traditional parties – into one united party. Their combined vote proved to be crucial on military issues.

The Left sat in their offices and sulked as the Right adopted a more aggressive military stance. The media complained bitterly about the “obsolete, intolerant, militaristic, religious Right,” but as Europe capitulated to the Islamic threat and the Middle East continued to implode, Israelis began to appreciate the wisdom and foresight of Chazal and their new advocate, Harav Yechiel (as he was now called). The Mincha minyan in the Knesset expanded exponentially.

At the next election, Rav Yechiel was elected Prime Minister. The country insisted that he also hold the Ministries of Defense, Education, and Finance. The majority of the Arabs in Gaza, disgusted with the corrupt rule of their Arab brethren, chose to leave for more promising shores, especially when assisted by generous grants from the State of Israel. The remaining populace enjoyed the twin blessings of peace and prosperity under Jewish sovereignty. Israelis were again seen purchasing vegetables in Gaza and Arabs filled the corridors of Israeli hospitals and universities. Peace was upon the western section of the Land.

In the east, after a short but intense confrontation with Jordan, reminiscent of the Six Day War, Israel again found itself in possession of the entire West Bank. This time, they were determined to do it right. They reclaimed their ancient, rightful heritage and declared Israeli rule over all of Judea and Samaria, the historical heartland of Eretz Yisrael. Jews the world over were astounded, incredulous, overwhelmed. They flocked to their rabbis, synagogues and psychologists for advice and guidance. Moshiach no longer seemed like some fanatic dream. He was knocking at the door.

Rav Yechiel finally turned his attention to the Temple Mount. After a judicious meeting with the now submissive Jordanian authorities, the Wakf took a new job in Saudi Arabia. For the first time in two thousand years, the Temple Mount was once again under complete Israeli rule. Plans were being drawn up for the Third Beis Hamikdash (Yechiel was, you will remember, a building contractor!) but as anti-Semitism in America peaked, waves of American immigrants began to flood the Holy Land. The Temple rebuilding was put on hold while the government concentrated on new housing for the now homeless Jews (mostly former Democrats).

A law was passed requiring all Knesset members to be at least minimally versed in Torah law and lore and a committee of illustrious rabbanim was set up to finalize the plans for the Third Beis HaMikdash. It took ten years to build, but upon its completion, Rav Yechiel of the House of David was anointed and unanimously proclaimed King of Israel. The Melech HaMoshiach had come.


Impossible scenario? Not really. Anything is possible. This election may not produce the desired Messianic results, but that’s okay. We’ve waited this long; we can wait a while longer. Day after day, we shall continue to wait – until he finally arrives. And he will, bimheira b’yameinu.  

Chag kasher v’sameah l’chol Beit Yisrael!

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Yaffa Ganz is the award-winning author of over forty titles for Jewish kids, three books on contemporary Jewish living, and “Wheat, Wine & Honey – Poetry by Yaffa Ganz” (available on Amazon).