Photo Credit: Courtesy Naomi Klass Mauer

Dear Dad,

As the yahrzeit approaches many memories come flooding back. But as I reflect on your loss, I realize how much you are with me in the day to day. I am guided by your example and the love and encouragement that you filled me with. You always made me feel I was special, unique, and strong. You were my biggest cheerleader, thrilled at every milestone or achievement that I accomplished. I still hear that voice of encouragement and pride. You infused me with the ability to be myself and to always speak my truth. You had faith in me even when I doubted my own capabilities.


Although I miss your presence terribly, you gave me the gifts of clarity and confidence that continue to carry me. Your kindness and compassion to your patients and everyone you came in contact with, has been the impetus for my acts of chesed and gentle, comforting words. Your commitment to davening has motivated me to daven in the mornings as I gaze over Jerusalem. Your love of sharing words of Torah at the Shabbos table as well as singing zemirot gave me the desire to learn Torah and have a Shabbos table just like that.

Your influence is endless and your lessons live on. The many stories I share with my children about you inspire them to do more, to be better and to contribute to Am Yisrael in a meaningful way just like you did. Your legacy lives on in your children and grandchildren and the many generations to come G-d-willing.


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