Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Global warming has been a rallying cry over the past few years. Last month, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul set a zero-emissions goal for new passenger vehicles and trucks sold in New York State by the year 2035. The onslaught of storms wreaking havoc in the U.S. over the last few months has also reignited the conversation on climate change.

Israeli start-ups are on the forefront of the effort to reduce climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions by creating revolutionary products to transition to a more environmentally-friendly world.


Some of the companies driving this new frontier include:

StoreDot: Founded in 2012 in Hertzliya, StoreDot specializes in developing lithium-ion based battery technologies in both the mobile and industrial markets. The company utilizes nanomaterial and organic and inorganic compounds to enable ultra-fast charging.

While producing battery technologies might initially seem less than exciting, the latest product unveiled by StoreDot’s CEO Doron Meyersdorf is an extremely fast charging (XFC) silicon-based battery for electric cars that is capable of recharging an electric vehicle (EV) in just 10 minutes. Pretty exciting indeed!

For context, charging an electric vehicle is a time consuming process. On average, it takes between 30 minutes and 12 hours per charge, which typically lasts around 250 miles. StoreDot’s latest XFC battery provides convenience and efficiency, especially for road trips and long distance travel, and may encourage those on the fence to take the plunge into the EV world.

Eviation: Established in 2015, the Israeli-American company Eviation is hyper-focused on creating energy-efficient commuter solutions.

Eviation’s test flight, dubbed Alice, is expected to take off before the end of the year. It is currently in its fifth iteration. It is in final assembly at the company’s manufacturing headquarters, after which Eviation must receive approval from federal regulators. Eviation is hoping to enter the market in 2024.

Despite still being in its developmental stage, Eviation has already amassed some high profile clients. According to founder and CEO Omer Bar Yohay, Eviation got its first client, a Massachusetts-based regional airline called Cape Air, when the company revealed its Alice prototype in 2019. Since then, it has signed two well-known and still anonymous American companies. DHL, an international logistics and shipping giant, reportedly placed an order for 12 Alice Aircraft in cargo configuration as well.

Electric planes benefit the environment. They are also cost-effective, drastically reduce noise pollution and enable people to get around more quickly. In addition, Bar Yohay claims Eviation’s aircraft’s lithium-ion battery takes just 30 minutes or less to charge per flight!

Eviation maintains its R&D operations in Kadima, Israel. It is headquartered in Arlington, Washington, just north of Seattle, a region that has extensive manufacturing capabilities and a large talent pool in the aviation industry. Seattle is also home to one of the major regional offices of the Federal Aviation Administration and serves as a base for Amazon and Boeing.

W-Cycle: W-Cycle developed a “leakless” packaging called SupraPulp. It costs about the same as plastic wrapping, without harming the environment, and protects against liquid and oil-based leaks. SupraPulp’s goal is to replace standard plastic packaging, such as CPET (crystallized polyethylene terephthalate), that is typically used to protect or contain food products.

While sugarcane waste is SupraPulp’s base of choice, “leakless” packaging can be composed of other types of fiber waste. SupraPulp is suitable for a variety of products, even those that are frozen or microwaveable. SupraPulp can also replace the plastic wrapping of meat, seafood and poultry.

W-Cycle is located in Kibbutz Gan Shmuel, just north of Hadera. It is run by CEO Lior Itai.

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Bracha Halperin is a business consultant based in new York City. To comment on her Jewish Press-exclusive tech columns -- or to reach her for any other purpose -- e-mail her at [email protected]. You can also follow her on Instagram or Twitter at: @brachahalperin.