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Be Prepared For BBQ Season

When the weather is beautiful and the days are long, most people like to end their weekend with a barbeque. But if you are trying to watch your weight, big barbeques can spell big trouble! However, grilling does not have to mean a cholesterol and fat overload. Try to enjoy a healthier version of your favorite dishes this season, with tasty burgers and side dishes that are good for both your palate and waistline.

Slim Down for Summer

We are back to that time of year again. The winter clothes are going to the back of our closets and the summer clothes are starting to come out. This is the time to make changes, so we will be prepared for summer.

On The Topic Of Weight: Some Suggestions

Thank you for your letters. I received so many letters on this topic asking me what a person can do to help, if mentioning weight is counterproductive.

Further And Final Comments and Observations on the Topic of Weight

I have spent the last few articles discussing what, I have come to believe, are abusive comments made to overweight people in the guise of caring and acceptability.

On The Topic of Weight – My Response

Last week I shared a letter from a gentleman who felt it was appropriate to comment on people's weight.

On The Topic Of Weight – A Different Opinion

Dear Ms. Novick: There once was a time when I sincerely believed that I was open-minded regarding people who are overweight.

Dealing With The Inappropriate Comments (On the Topic of Weight)

In the past weeks I gave several examples of comments made to friends about their being overweight.

Why Do They Make Comments? (Anecdotes on the Topic of Weight) Part III

A well spouse, Sheila, came to a simcha. She spent an inordinate amount of time making all the arrangements for her sick husband so she could attend.

Prejudice Toward The Overweight Person

Some people cannot understand why others have a weight problem.

Obesity Is Another Concern

Our Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs face the growing rate of childhood obesity. "Overweight children are more likely than their normal-weight counterparts to grow into obese adults. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, bone and joint problems, asthma, and several types of cancer," says Chaya Stern, RPA and nutritionist.

Overeating And The Well Spouse (Part One)

"You have such a pretty face. If only you could do something about your weight."

Chocolate Can Reduce Blood Pressure

Here is some good and bad news for choco­holics. The good news is that dark chocolate can lower your blood pressure; the bad news is that only a very small amount of dark chocolate is needed.

Title: The Seven Healing Fruits of Israel

Nutritional and Health Counselor Shoshanna Harrari is a beloved fixture on Israel's organic foods scene.

‘Matchmaker, Matchmaker – Make Me A Match?’

As a longtime "born-again single" and parent, I've come to the conclusion that the road to matrimony is like the road to weight loss.

Facing The Long Shots

The menorahs have been put away; the scale groans with the added weight of the sufganiyot and latkes that were devoured; and people are starting to formulate their Pesach plans (so soon already!).

Israel As Tragic Hero: Enduring Sacred Tribulations In An Absurd World Order

In an ancient myth, the Greek gods condemn Sisyphus to roll a great rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone will inevitably fall back of its own weight. By imposing this terrible judgment the gods had prescribed the dreadful punishment of interminable labor. But they also revealed something vastly more difficult to understand, namely, that even such useless labor need not be altogether futile. Such labor, they knew, could also be heroic.

The Joy Of Pickles

One of my favorite memories from childhood is eating my grandmother's sour pickles.

Self-Image And Barking Dogs (Part II)

In my previous column I wrote about the importance of assigning minimal value to the utterances of those who make nasty, ego-wounding comments.

How Heavy Is A Glass Of Water?

This e-mail came across my desk. It was written by that famous writer known as "unknown author."

Critical Comments And Your Children’s Futures

As my friend Eve (not her real name) and I started filling our plates at a recent buffet dinner, she commented that lucky for her, her mother wasn't with us.

Great Snacks – Part I

For many of us, the focus in the days after Pesach has been the Pesach weight gain.

Simply Delicious

The seven weeks between Pesach and Shavuos are a time of spiritual awakening; a time when we strive to achieve growth in many areas of our lives. The one area, however, in which growth is not appreciated is our weight. The following are some great products you can use on Shavuos that won't cause an overload on the scales.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/food/be-prepared-for-bbq-season/2009/07/08/

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