Photo Credit: Nati Shohat/Flash90
Celebrating Yom Yerushalayim

Read today of anti-Semitism in Europe. Pick a country… England, France, Belgium…Jewish cemeteries are desecrated in Poland, a country of few if any Jews and yes the leaders do their perfunctory apology but have the people changed. If there was a vote today in the United Nations for a Jewish state is there any doubt of the outcome. But today there is a difference… today there is no British White Paper to stop immigration…today we have a Jewish State and, although today there is still the lunatic fringe out there, most normal Jews, even the 6% of the looney left who still religiously read Haaretz realize that a two state solution is nothing more than an invitation to national suicide. Never Again must be engraved in our historic communal memory.

In 1938 the noted historian John Gunther wrote:

“The concrete achievements of Zionism have been considerable… I have watched the immigrants come in at Jaffa on boats like troop ships from the ghettos of Lemberg and Czernowitz and Prague. No they were not handsome, vigorous young men. No, they were not led by any apparent inward fire. Instead they were wretchedly dressed and miserably poor… they looked like refugees from the slums. But a few years later I saw these same people tilling the soil, carving a livelihood out of the dusty rock of the Jordan hills – upright, alert, self-sufficient, with pride in their work and pride in themselves… the transformation was all but unbelievable… they had transformed the land (but the reality was), the Land had transformed them.” John Gunther, Inside Asia, p 548.


For 2,000 years the Land refused all who came and remained desolate waiting for a covenantal pledge to be redeemed and as the pioneers returned their love affair with the Land was reignited. 1948 was the first step, and in 1967 our people were reunited with our Biblical homeland. The lands of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel… of Joshua and Caleb… the Land of our Torah. The Moabites, the Hitites, Titus and the Roman Empire are gone. Our people are back! Oslo was a lie and now it’s time to dispel another lie. There is no and never was an Arab demographic problem.

Secular leftists in their hatred of anything remotely attesting to the religious over the years colluded with the Arabs to create what they believed to be a noble lie. It almost seemed logical. Falsely concerned as they were for the democratic values of Israel, the lie they cloaked themselves with was of the” Arab demographic problem”. For over thirty years they shouted that Israel will no longer be a democratic state if Israel kept the territories for democracy had become the supreme Jewish value for them. But they were wrong. I don’t recall a vote for King David or for Moses, but I do remember “… you shall not follow a majority to do evil…” And there is an important story about twelve spies, leaders of each of the twelve tribes, who went into the Land and while ten came back with an evil report… two came back with a report that the Land was a good Land of milk and honey… and God sided with these two!

The secular left has many a false god and the Arab demographic argument for giving up our Biblical homeland is one of the most specious. Over the last seven years a thorough study by Israeli and American demographers has been done regarding the real demographics from “the river to the sea”. Today there are almost 8 million Israeli citizens from “the river to the sea”… 6.4million Jews according to Dr. Steven Cohen, famed demographer (which includes slightly over 300,000 Russians that have not yet been certified as Kosher and which the Israeli government labels ‘others’) and 1.5 million Israeli Arabs. In the West Bank there are another 1.4 million Arabs, formerly citizens of Jordan, for a total Arab population from “the river to the sea” of almost 3.0 million – do the math. Today there is a 67% majority of Jews to Arabs from “the river to the sea”. It is projected that by the year 2025, there will be an 80% Jewish majority from “the river to the sea”. “Little by little I shall drive them away from you, until you become fruitful and make the land your heritage”. While the Jewish population in the Diaspora is shrinking, the Jews in Israel are becoming fruitful and multiplying.


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Jack Berger is an architect, real estate developer, activist and lecturer who has sat on the boards of AIPAC, AJC, and the American Jewish Relation Council.