By now it should be obvious that these “humanitarian” groups are all too often driven by an innate anti-Americanism. In life, we generally excuse and provide justification for that which (and those whom) we love while being critical of that which (and those whom) we dislike. Since in most circumstances this crowd is always ready to blame and criticize America while finding rationales for terrorists and criminals, it’s quite obvious where their sentiments lie.

The Talmud observes that those who show compassion to perpetrators of evil will display indifference and cruelty to good people deserving compassion. It is not merely a misdirection of energy but, as the Talmud confirms, a reflection of a core attitude that feels revulsion for the wholesome and hence an attraction to evil.


Many in the civil liberties brigades are graduates of schools and privileged communities that have spent the last forty years characterizing America and its people as the world’s most racist, imperialistic, misogynist, and jingoistic. To a large extent they have come to believe it – thus their eagerness to impute unsavory racist and illegal motives to Americans wanting nothing more than to protect their children.

Americans should not feel the need to prove their innocence to a group of people who themselves are guilty of harboring self-righteous bigotry against their fellow citizens and a sense of moral and intellectual superiority over us “cowboys.” Why should self-respecting Americans feel answerable to a clique who admire “enlightened” Europeans more than fellow Americans, and who see themselves first and foremost as cosmopolitan internationalists?

Those who are slaves to fashion in other aspects of their lives have, as expected, joined the anti-America chorus. Fortunately, most Americans prefer survival over avant-garde acceptance. Truth be told, it is Peoria that is serious while Santa Monica remains frivolous, clinging to that sophomoric attitude that “dissent” and “social activism” are virtuous only when directed at the establishment – even when that establishment is trying to save your hide and that of your children.

The most foolish politically-correct assertion today is that if we do anything to terrorist detainees short of Club Med treatment, or if we undertake procedures that the Council for American Islamic Relations calls “offensive,” we somehow are no better than the terrorists. To equate emotional trivialities with brutal beheadings, or self-defense to ideological genocide, shows how far liberal thinking has strayed. Its moral relativism is simply nouveau paganism.

For some, the greater the evil committed in the name of Islam, the greater the forbearance we are expected to show it. The more barbaric the atrocities become, the louder the demands that we not show anger – even though we have a right and duty to feel and show anger. What a deal for the Islamicist! And all this because of some insecure emotional need not to appear “racist.”

Bottom line: we are becoming paralyzed when it comes to doing that which self-preservation demands. We are afraid to do what is normal under these circumstances because of a social sickness among the politically correct who hold such sway in this country over what constitutes morality.

If we are to survive, we must first purge ourselves of this foolish and destructive liberal political correctness, as it is the rope being used to hang us. The first step is to ignore these groups, especially when we know their true motivations.


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Rabbi Aryeh Spero is author of "Push Back" and was a pulpit rabbi for almost forty years. He can be reached at [email protected].