Photo Credit: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

I was especially struck by your explanation of the Hebrew language, how every word is definitive. Among the many examples you gave, you noted that the Torah word for “but” – efes – means “zero.”

Suddenly it all became clear to me. That little word explained it all. My boyfriend’s rationalizations amounted to one big zero. Our relationship of many years was one big “but.”


“Of course I want to marry you,” he would assure me, before adding his many buts – money, career, the right apartment, etc. Even the words the “I love you” were always qualified by “but.”

I had watched my biological clock ticking away and now I wished I could live my life over again, establish a Torah home and create a family. I decided to write to you in the hope that you’ll publish this so that others can learn from my experience and leave behind empty relationships, go under the chuppah, and live purposeful lives.

I attend your classes weekly and hope that one day God will grant me that gift as well.


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