Photo Credit: wikimedia ccl
Flags of European Union Member States

France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Britain, Turkey. The frequency and scale of terror attacks in Europe today is something Israelis know only too well. So, with Europeans hesitant to sit in cafes, attend outdoor celebrations, or take the train, why would they keep looking to press a two-state solution on Israel? Should they not be looking to hammer out a ‘peace’ plan of their own with the Arab Islamists who are murdering Europeans on their streets?

Europe’s Leftist mentality is not logical, states Tamar’s guest, Dr. Martin Sherman. We shall soon see civil unrest in Europe if the governments there don’t make peace with their enemy. That, or if their deterrent factor does not solve the problem. Check out Dr. Martin Sherman’s website HERE.


Tamar Yonah Show 19Jul – PODCAST


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