Kamala Demands Bibi End Arab Suffering in Gaza, Settler Violence in Judea and Samaria

This was an American threat against Israel’s entire strategy in Gaza.

PA Budget Crisis Doesn’t Halt ‘Pay for Slay’ Program, Report Finds

Despite claiming to be operating at a 172% budget deficit, the Palestinian Authority recently recognized 899 new prisoners from Gaza and tens of thousands more Gaza “martyrs” as eligible for controversial “pay for slay” payouts.

Trump Reveals Rapprochement with PA Chairman Abbas on Eve of Meeting Netanyahu

A modern-day Achashverosh, Trump shifts his views according to the latest Haman that whispers sweet nothings into his ear.

PLO and Hamas Sign Unity Declaration in Beijing

The declaration was signed by 14 terrorist factions following a two-day summit hosted by FM Wang Yi.

IDF Eliminates Hamas and PLO Commanders in Tulkarem

The IDF also used an aircraft to eliminate the armed terrorists.

Shin Bet Thwarts Terror Attack Directed by Hamas in Turkey

An M-16 assault rifle was confiscated as well as tens of thousands of dollars received from the Hamas headquarters in Turkey.

DNC Publishes Biden’s Plan for Israel and Its Neighbors with Palestinian State and Punishing...

President Biden and Vice President Harris oppose any unilateral steps by either side — including annexation — that undermine prospects for two states.

Knesset Approves in 1st Reading Law Banning Foreign Missions in ‘Palestinian’ Jerusalem

Should the international community recognize a State of Palestine there would be a rush to plant dozens of foreign consulates that would operate outside Israeli jurisdiction.

Peace Now: Israel on the Way to Complete Annexation of Judea and Samaria

They describe violent Arab harassment of Evyatar’s Jews as “a significant security burden on the security forces.”

FT Report: PA Rule in Judea and Samaria Shrinking Fast

For policymakers in the US, the Arab world, and Europe, a reformed Palestinian Authority is the obvious institution to fill the political vacuum in...

New Iranian President Reaffirms Intent to Annihilate Israel

Iran will continue its "all-out support for the defenseless Palestinian people until they achieve their ideals and rights."

Israel’s Sharon Region Reinforces Security Amid Escalating Threats from Tulkarem

“Unfortunately, in recent months we have seen a significant increase in threats to [Israeli] borderline villages.”

Gen. Fox and Jewish Settlers Clash for the Last Time (We Hope)

"The conceptzia that the IDF needs to preserve the Palestinian Authority in order to maintain Israel's security is what turned Jenin and Shechem into Gaza."

Smotrich OKs $116m Transfer to Palestinian Authority

The decision was reportedly made as a tradeoff for Netanyahu's approval to legalize several outposts and approve building in Judea and Samaria.

Labour Targets 24 Muslim Districts Where Pro-Hamas Vote Will Go to George Galloway’s Socialists

Labour's position has angered many of Britain's 3.9 million Muslims, who constitute 6.5% of the country's population.

Bereaved Families Sue PA for $55m Over ‘Pay for Slay’

The lawsuit is the first legal action taken since the Knesset passed the "Compensation for Terror Victims Bill."

IDF Destroys Large Rocket Factory, Kilometer-Long Tunnel and 100 Terrorists

Israeli troops in Rafah’s Tel al-Sultan neighborhood destroyed Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s largest underground rocket factory, the Israel Defense Forces announced. For several years, the Iran-backed...

Palestinian Authority Terrorists in Tulkarem Intensify Warfare Against IDF

An IDF Panther APC was damaged when two IEDs planted by Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades terrorists exploded as the vehicle drove down the street in Nur Shams, a section of Tulkarem.

Yesha Council Head Warns of PA Plan to ‘Dissect’ Judea and Samaria

Palestinian Authority construction projects are being designed to take the high ground overlooking critical transportation arteries, according to Israel Gantz.

Efrat, Emanuel Residents Arrested for Protesting Entry of Palestinian Authority Workers

"The police should use the same policies with protesters from anywhere on the political spectrum."

Jewish Man, 84, Escapes Arab Mob Lynching in Qalandia

A week ago Saturday, Amnon Mokhtar, 66, from Petah Tikva, was murdered in a shooting attack in Qalqilya.

Cabinet Approves Smotrich’s Sanctions Against Palestinian Authority, Legalizing New Settlements

"The Palestinian Authority joined Hamas in trying to harm Israel at home and abroad, and we will fight it."

IDF Soldier Killed in Jenin, 16 Wounded, Medical Vehicle Hit by Explosive Charge

In addition to the arrest of 3 Fatah terrorists in the city of Jenin, 2 more terrorists were arrested in the town of Dan, northwest of Jenin.

Report: Kerem Shalom Crossing Opens for Gazans Seeking Medical Care Abroad

Using the Kerem Shalom Crossing to exit Gaza will of necessity mean passage through Israeli territory.

Concerned Citizens Block PA Workers’ Entry into Efrat

"Following Oct. 7...we refuse to accept the notion that in order to build or run our town we need to hire people who support terrorism against us, or could themselves be a terror threat."

Israeli Man Murdered While Shopping in Palestinian Authority

"He loved to travel there, he knew the people there, everyone loved him. It's tragic that it ended like this, he didn't think that's what they would do to him there."

PA Arab Who Killed 14-Year-Old Jewish Shepherd Sought More Victims

The PA terrorist and his friends believe that Jews and other non-Muslims need to die.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/politics/kamala-demands-bibi-end-arab-suffering-in-gaza-settler-violence-in-judea-and-samaria/2024/07/26/

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