Photo Credit: pixabay

What is all the hoopla about? Doesn’t the sovereign nation called Israel have a right to determine which city is its capital?

In fulfilling a campaign promise that garnered support from world Jewry and friends of the Jewish people, U.S President Donald Trump announced that he formally recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and, consequently, has ordered the State Department to develop a plan for moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.


However – Surprise! – the intended move has resulted in familiar threats and calls for violence in Israel and around the region. Throngs of Arabs, both organized and emerging at whim, are planning three “days of rage” Wednesday through Friday to protest the decision.

Guest Judy Lash Balint, journalist and author, discusses the history, potential ramifications and critical points that will directly impact both Israel and the world.

Pull Up A Chair 07Dec2017 – PODCAST


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