Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Q: I am completely at a loss when it comes to my five-year-old son, Chaim. He is the youngest and has always been a homebody. He loves his siblings and definitely doesn’t have any problems socializing with friends or siblings in our home. When I am around, he is himself and enjoys spending time with his classmates and friends.

It’s when I leave him that we have a problem. When he was younger, he would kick and scream when I dropped him off at school. Now, I see him slowly retreating into himself when it’s time for school or he tells me he doesn’t feel well enough to attend. He refuses to go to friends’ houses to play and seems to be completely focused on staying home. He will do anything, even make himself throw up just to avoid going to a friend’s house or to school. I thought this kind of behavior would end a long time ago. What is going on with my loving, adorable son?



A: First, I want to say that it is great that you are asking this question. Most parents are uncomfortable addressing social issues with their children because they don’t want to find out that there is something wrong. The good news is – from the way you described your son – there are some relatively simple solutions.

Your son seems to be struggling with anxiety, more specifically separation anxiety, which has made socializing outside of the home difficult. Most people think separation anxiety is something our six-month-old infants develop and our toddlers grow out of. Before a child is two years old this type of anxiety is completely normal and helps children learn how to master their environment.

However, in reality, separation anxiety can manifest itself at almost any age during childhood, especially during times of stress. Children with separation anxiety worry about separating from their parents during school, work, a quick errand, bedtime, or even when they are in the next room. It can make leaving the house a torturous process for both the parent and the child.


The New York Times’ Health Guide explains that the symptoms of separation anxiety include:

Excessive distress when separated from the primary caregiver

Reluctance to go to school or other places because of fear of separation

Reluctance to go to sleep without the primary caregiver nearby

Repeated physical complaints


Drs. Andrew Eisen, Charles Schaefer, and David Barlow, in their book, Separation Anxiety in Children and Adolescents, give some tips for helping children overcome their anxiety:

Relaxation techniques. When children experience anxiety, their whole body tenses up and sends messages back to their brain that there is danger around them. The goal of relaxation techniques is to calm the body in order to get the child’s brain to recognize the serenity. They include deep breathing, different positions that send blood to the head, and singing songs.

Self-soothing language. As babies, children learn to self-soothe when they wake at night by sucking their thumbs, humming, or using a pacifier. Likewise, as children get older they can utilize self-soothing language in order to provide themselves with comfort. The most important part of this process is for the child to do the soothing himself. Some sample phrases are, “Mommy always comes back” or “I’ve been alone before. I am safe and I am calm.”

Gradual separation in small increments of time and space. Depending on the severity of the anxiety, start separating yourself from your child in very slow increments. For instance, if your child can’t even handle when you are in another room with the door closed, sit in the next room with the door open (within his sight). After a few days of this, experiment with closing the door for a few moments. Next, work on being downstairs while your child is upstairs. Then, try the backyard while he is inside. Each time you successfully complete a step, discuss with your child the fact that he is safe and you came back.

With time, your homebody will be begging you for sleepovers at his friends’ houses.


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An acclaimed educator and social skills ​specialist​, Mrs. Rifka Schonfeld has served the Jewish community for close to thirty years. She founded and directs the widely acclaimed educational program, SOS, servicing all grade levels in secular as well as Hebrew studies. A kriah and reading specialist, she has given dynamic workshops and has set up reading labs in many schools. In addition, she offers evaluations G.E.D. preparation, social skills training and shidduch coaching, focusing on building self-esteem and self-awareness. She can be reached at 718-382-5437 or at [email protected].