Mashed Butternut Squash

Butternut squash and sweet potato soup: In a pot, mash butternut squash and sweet potato, add chicken soup or water until you reach your desired consistency. Then add garlic powder, salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste. Heat and serve hot. (Optional, add soy milk instead of soup or water.) Cooked vegetables and noodles: Cube about 2 cups of cooked vegetables. Dice an onion and fry until transparent. Then add one can of crushed tomatoes, some chopped parsley, 1 cup of chicken soup, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Cover and cook for 15 minutes. Add 2 tbsps flour, mix well, and then add vegetables. Heat through, adjust seasoning. Serve on a platter of noodles or rice.

Mashed carrots and cauliflower: Simply mash carrots and cauliflower with a fork. Add salt, pepper and garlic. It’s taste: out of this world.


And one more: mix any cubed vegetables with fried onions and seasoning for an easy side dish.

Next month: What to do with the boiled chicken.


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