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But you should definitely get her kids presents, because it’s important to have a relationship with your nieces and nephews, and besides, your sister will never tell her kids, “No, you can’t use the drum set that Aunt Chavi got you.”

In fact, some people actually have decades-long wars going on with their siblings.  They get you a Fisher Price Corn Popper, which is which is basically a stick that also makes noise, and you get them a big wooden alphabet puzzle with 26 pieces for their two-year-old who likes throwing things.  They get you something with glitter, so you get them something with makeup.  They get you glow-in-the-dark play dough, so you get them a set of 300 building blocks that fit in the original box only if you put them back in exactly the right order.  And so on, until you’re shipping each other massive-indoor ball pits and pet elephants, and of course she snitches to your parents, who fly in from Florida and tell you that you’re not allowed to get her kids presents anymore.  Not that this happened to me.


Really, though, you shouldn’t let this escalate.  It’s better to just get her something she needs, like maybe some real potholders, for goodness sake.  Or some smocks for her kids.  And, of course, a set of fingerpaints to go with it.


That’s it for now, thank goodness.  Feel free to send in questions on basically any topic.  Seriously, it doesn’t matter which one.  I’m not an expert on any of them.

Question everything!



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