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Tag: Dear Rachel

Temper Tantrums

Dear Rabbi Horowitz: Our 10-year-old son, the oldest of our six children, has a very strong-willed personality and is very energetic. He has a very hard time sitting in school all day. (He attends school from 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m.) At home, he is frustrated with having to sit and do his homework. He often has temper tantrums when asked to do his work. My husband says that he is lazy and self-centered. I agree, in part, but isn't this what all children are like? Don't we have to teach them how to act properly? Thanks, Rachel


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/family/chronicles-of-crises/chronicles-of-crises-in-our-communities-273/2010/08/19/

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