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Alan Dershowitz speaking to group about rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionism

The famous legal scholar Alan Dershowitz came to speak to a group of roughly 40 people in New York City on April 16, 2024, to address the horrifying rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionism. Dershowitz led his remarks with dark humor, that he’s an optimist- when people tell him that the situation cannot get worse, he responds “I think they can!”

Alan Dershowitz speaking to group about rise in antisemitism and anti-Zionism

Dershowitz spoke about many underlying reasons for Jews being persecuted which included the push for DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) promoted on college campuses and large corporations, which specifically excludes Jews and Asians in an effort to promote Blacks and Latinos. He noted that any system that opposes meritocracy is bad for Jews. Being a small minority, a set of rules that demanded proportionality of positions according to overall population would leave few spots for Jews.


Dershowitz spoke of a letter that Albert Einstein wrote about the people of Germany who elected the Nazis, and parallels that can be drawn for Palestinian Arabs and the United States today. Einstein wroteThe Germans as an entire people are responsible for the mass murders and must be punished as a people if there is justice in the world and if the consciousness of collective responsibility in the nations is not to perish from the earth entirely. Behind the Nazi party stands the German people, who elected Hitler after he had in his book [Mein Kampf] and in his speeches made his shameful [genocidal] intentions clear beyond the possibility of misunderstanding.” Similarly, Palestinians elected Hamas to 58% of its parliament with its antisemitic genocidal charter and continue to support the group and its heinous brutal slaughter committed on October 7. While children are inherently innocent, are the women who support Hamas and the 16-year old with a rifle truly innocent?

And what about for us as Americans today? How do we allow terrorist supporters and antisemites to get elected and issue threats on the streets and college campuses?

The liberal Democrat shared that he had always voted for Democrats but no more. He said that “it’s time for the Democratic Party to stop taking the Jewish vote for granted.” He suggested that every Jew consider new priorities regarding elections, as two things have changed: the current Democratic party is not your grandparents Democratic Party, and the current reality for the Jewish community is dire and poised to get worse.

Dershowitz was very clear that the economy, abortion rights and other matters remain dear to him but that he sees the writing on the walls which is compelling a complete pivot to stem the tide of Jew hatred. While he loves the opera and museums, he will shift his donations from the arts and medical institutions to Jewish and pro-Israel causes. He quoted the phrase in Ecclesiastes that “to everything there is a season,” and dark clouds have now come for the Jews. As such, every Jew must vote and donate with a priority on Jewish safety and security.

To highlight the point, the day before the Dershowitz talk, the House voted on H.R. 6408 to withhold tax-exempt status for organizations that support terror. Eleven people – including the entire alt-left “squad” – voted against the measure.

Vote on H.R. 6408 on April 15, 2024 to terminate tax-exempt status for terrorist supporting organizations passed with almost complete support – except for the far-left extremists of the “Squad” including Jamaal Bowman

Americans must prioritize ousting the eleven terrorist-supporters in congress with votes and donations to their opponents:

  • In NY-16, extremist Rep. Jamaal Bowman is being challenged by Westchester County Executive George Latimer. Donate to Latimer here.
  • In MO-1, extremist Rep. Cori Bush is being challenged by public defender Wesley Bell. Donate to Bell here.
  • In MN-05, extremist Rep. Ilhan Omar is being challenged by Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels. Donate to Samuels here.
  • In PA-12, extremist Summer Lee is being challenged by local legislator Bhavini Patel. Donate to Patel here.
  • In IL-04, extremist Rep. Jesus Garcia won 69.5% of the vote in his Democratic primary
  • In KY-4, extremist Rep. Thomas Massie is facing Eric Deters and Michael McGinnis in the Republican primary
  • In IL-03, extremist Rep. Delia Ramirez will face John Booras in the general election.
  • In MI-12, extremist Rep. Rashida Tlaib remains unopposed
  • IN NY-14 extremist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is facing Martin Dolan. Donate to Dolan here.
  • In MA-07, extremist Rep. Ayanna Pressley has no challenger
  • In IL-9, extremist Rep. Janice Schakowsky has no challenger

In regards to pro-Jewish and Israel organizations to donate to, consider:

‘Tis the season to own whatever power and privilege you might have, and donate and vote to stem the tidal wave of antisemitism washing over America.

Related articles:

The Alt-Left And Radical Muslims On The New ‘Rothschilds’: AIPAC and Jared Kushner (April 2024)

Biden SOTU Mum On Tsunami Of Jew Hatred (March 2024)

Jamaal Bowman’s “Good Trouble” Is All Out War With Zionists In Israel and America (January 2024)

The DSA Is Systematically Coming For Zionist Jews (August 2023)

The Collective Punishment Of Terrorism (June 2023)

As Democrats Become More Liberal And Anti-Israel, DMFI Sticks Fingers In The Dike (July 2022)

Yeshiva University Blocks Promoter Of Terrorism (March 2022)

Courageous Jews On Hostile Campuses (December 2021)

Collective Guilt / Collective Punishment (October 2014)

{Reposted from the author’s blog}

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Paul Gherkin is founder of the website FirstOneThrough, which is dedicated to educating people on Israel, the United States, Judaism and science in an entertaining manner so they speak up and take action. In a connected digital world, each person can be a spokesperson by disseminating news to thousands of people by forwarding articles or videos to people, or using the information to fight on behalf of a cause because In a connected digital world. YOU are FirstOneThrough.