Photo Credit: Yoav Dudekovich/TPS
Members of the Dee family eulogize Maia, 20 and Rina, 15, murdered April 7, 2023 in a terror attack in the Jordan Valley.

Amidst the Jewish holiday of Passover, Palestinian terrorist launched attacks on civilians in Israel, killing three and injuring many others.

Italian tourist Alessandro Parini, killed while visiting Israel by Israeli Arab

The United States offered tepid comments about the heinous killings.


To start, the official statement came from Vendat Patel. Never heard of him? He’s the Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, quite a few levels down from the Secretary of State Antony Blinken or the American Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides.

The full statement issued by this deputy spokesperson was as follows:

“The United States strongly condemns today’s terrorist attacks in the West Bank and Tel Aviv. We extend our deepest condolences to the victims’ families and loved ones, and wish a full recovery to the injured. The three horrific attacks today, in which three were killed and at least eight others wounded, affected citizens of Israel, Italy, and the United Kingdom. The targeting of innocent civilians of any nationality is unconscionable. The United States stands with the government and people of Israel. We are in close contact with our Israeli partners and reaffirm our enduring commitment to their security.”

Compare the terse statement about the killing of Israeli civilians to the one that the United Nations Security Council issued about the terrorism in Afghanistan on March 28. That statement “condemned in the strongest terms the continued heinous terrorist attacks targeting civilians.” It importantly made clear that: “The members of the Security Council underlined the need to hold perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism accountable and bring them to justice.  They urged all States, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate actively with all relevant authorities in this regard. The members of the Security Council reiterated that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed. They reaffirmed the need for all States to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other obligations under international law, including international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.

Neither the United States nor the United Nations make the same obvious comments for Israel, that it – together with “all States” – “need to hold perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors” of terrorism accountable and brought to justice. Even when Israel effectively brings perpetrators to justice, the UN and US pressure Israel to let the backers “of these reprehensible acts of terrorism” off the hook.

The latest civilians murdered by Palestinian Arabs in Israel include Italian and British nationals. Will Italy and the United Kingdom continue to allow the Palestinian Authority to pay the family of the terrorists in its popular “pay-to-slay” scheme?

It is a vile double standard which cheapens the lives of civilians in Israel, and simultaneously blesses and encourages Palestinian Arab terrorism.

Related articles:

The US State Department Does Not Want Israel to Fight Terrorism

Select Support in Fighting Terrorism from the US State Department

US State Department Comments on Terrorism in Israel and the Territories

CNN Sanitizes Palestinian Car Ramming Terrorism

Palestinian Post-paid Terrorism

Letter To Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY16) About Palestinian Support For Attacks

The United Nations Ignores Radical Muslim Violent Extremism and Terrorism

Praising and Defending Terrorism Against Jews

Will The UN Ever Support Israel Addressing Terrorism And Violent Extremism?

Amid The Terror, The United Nations Once Again Protects Palestinians

{Reposted from the author’s blog}

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Paul Gherkin is founder of the website FirstOneThrough, which is dedicated to educating people on Israel, the United States, Judaism and science in an entertaining manner so they speak up and take action. In a connected digital world, each person can be a spokesperson by disseminating news to thousands of people by forwarding articles or videos to people, or using the information to fight on behalf of a cause because In a connected digital world. YOU are FirstOneThrough.