Photo Credit: Ariel Hermoni / MOD / Flash 90
PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yaalon.

The hudna, or “ceasefire,” is an Islamic strategy that has nothing to do with peace. It originated with the infamous Treaty of Hudaybiyya in 628, when Muhammad signed a ten year “truce” with the Quraysh tribe who controlled Mecca. (Despite those who falsely assert that it was the Quraysh who abrogated the treaty, a diligent analysis of the facts shows that it was Muhammed who actually broke the treaty. I refer the reader to Robert Spencer’s The Truth about Muhammad (pg. 136-39*)) From its inception, Islam was nursed on blood and war. Hudna was the calculating tactic Muhammad utilized when he felt it was efficacious. It was self-serving and duplicitous. As soon as he felt strong enough, the hudna was over. Bloody Islam 101. History is replete with such examples of Islam’s warped notion of peace. Peace for me, pieces of bodies for thee.

Yasir Arafat (may his name and memory be blotted out) actually cited this historical precedent ad nauseum after signing the Oslo Accords, in order to show that his tactic was completely in line with Islam. We have all seen videos of Arafat, post-Oslo mind you, praising the moral defectives he called shaheeds (martyrs) and calling for continued jihad against Israel. This is the reason he was never assassinated. Even his detractors understood his tactic. Tactically, Hamas may have disagreed, but they understood that their ultimate goals were the same.


Our soldiers don’t need to read this perpetual garbage about theoretical ceasefires which benefit no one but Hamas and those who hate Israel. It’s a dangerous distraction. Obama and Kerry’s insistence on a ceasefire that only strengthens Hamas and endangers Israel shows with whom they are alligned. It is not hard to imagine this, when you consider the measures Obama is currently taking to destroy the U.S.

Our young Jewish soldiers, in the prime of their lives, were murdered by Hamas. Don’t allow their deaths to have been in vain. The nation of Israel supports this war overwhelmingly. We see unprecedented unity and goodwill across the political and ideological divide. Of course we do. The entire country is under attack, and the people appreciate the efforts of the army. Netanyahu has public support to do whatever is necessary to bring security to Israel. His failure to do so, in opposition to the national will, will come at a serious cost to his political support. This is the most critical point that Netanyahu should recognize. The masses will be furious. He will lose all credibility.

By the IDF’s own estimates, 60-70% of rockets remain. This is unacceptable by any measure. There could be miles of hidden tunnels that haven’t even been identified. And while we certainly celebrate 240 dead terrorists, it isn’t nearly enough. One Hamas beast with a pulse is one too many. They cannot prematurely terminate this mission and sell it as a victory to the nation.

Netanyahu dare not behave like a degraded dhimmi, or a dummy in this critical hour. No ceasefires of any kind! You don’t cease firing at Hamas until they’re all dead. The nation is sick and tired of dying and living with terror. Destroy Hamas and send them back to the Stone Age.

And then crush Fatah.

Shavuah Tov.


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Donny Fuchs made aliyah in 2006 from Long Island to the Negev, where he resides with his family. He has a keen passion for the flora and fauna of Israel and enjoys hiking the Negev desert. His religious perspective is deeply grounded in the Rambam's rational approach to Judaism.