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As Rabbi Gordimer points out, he must have touched a raw nerve in Rabbi Katz. It might be understandable for people to react that way when a raw nerve is touched. But not when you are in a position of leadership and respect. His noxious comments severely undercut any arguments he might have had with Rabbi Gordimer.

I happen to agree with most (but not all) of Rabbi Gordimer’s points. But that is irrelevant. Even if you don’t agree with him at all and agree entirely with Rabbi Katz, that does not make his comments any less egregious. Is this the kind of people that YCT and OO produces? Is this the kind of person you want leading your congregation? Or setting examples for your children? I wouldn’t have anything to do with him even if his worldview was identical to mine. Which it isn’t.


You want to argue with Rabbi Gordimer on the merits? Go ahead. But what Rabbi Katz did here went well beyond the pale. Regardless of how Rabbi Katz feels about Rabbi Gordimer’s views, he owes him an apology for even thinking these comments – let alone making them public on social media.

I am also disappointed that no one in OO or YCT has come out with a condemnation of Rabbi Katz’s remarks. There is some very loud silence about this over there.

Unless there is a sincere apology made – if I were a member of Rabbi Katz’s Shul, regardless of my agreement with his Hashkafa, I would demand his resignation. Or I would quit.


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Harry Maryles runs the blog "Emes Ve-Emunah" which focuses on current events and issues that effect the Jewish world in general and Orthodoxy in particular. It discuses Hashkafa and news events of the day - from a Centrist perspctive and a philosphy of Torah U'Mada. He can be reached at [email protected].