While the whole world is talking about “the day after”, now’s the time to think of today, even as the battles in Gaza are still raging, a surprise initiative. Strike while the fire is still burning, which means to take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it exists, in case the opportunity goes away and does not return:, Time to return the dignity of Settlements and “teshuva” for the shame of the Disengagement.
Kfar Darom First
With the new government momentum for settlements in Gaza, a first step politically should be resetting Kfar Darom! Michal was one of the settlers there in the 80s.
Just a month age, even as political battles were raging in tune with the military battles and everyone was talking about “the day after”, on 14/12/23, I WhatsApped Michal the following:
“The way I see it, after the war in Gaza ends and the dust settles down, if I was you, I would get ready to move back to Kfar Dorom – SOON!
In a follow-up phone call, she said “In a minute.” הלואי!
“Not הלואי , you will see!”
After the First Kenes Hityashvut of Gaza at Binaynei Hauma on Jan 28, 2024, 17 Shvat 5784, it would be a tangible, and politically correct act most MK’s could support, and symbolically the beginning of the restoration of the dignity of Eretz Yisrael’s settlement movement.
One phone call to Michal and a first garin of 10 (or more) just waiting for the settlement צו 8 , with the financial backing to begin the project today, with just one courageous government decision in defiance of world interests.
Now is the time to be Smart, patient and deliberate. With סייעתא דשמיא we will succeed!
Kfar Darom , an Israeli settlement within the Gush Katif bloc, was first purchased in 1930 by Tuvia Miller for a fruit orchard on the site of an ancient Jewish settlement of the same name mentioned in the Talmud. Following the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine, Miller sold his land to the Jewish National Fund in 1946. A community was established on the land at the close of Yom Kippur on 5 and 6 October 1946,[1] by Hapoel HaMizrachi’s kibbutz movement as part of the 11 points in the Negev settlement plan. The community was named after a Talmudic-period village of the same name that was located near the site.
Following Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War in 1967, and its subsequent occupation of the Gaza Strip, a Nahal military outpost was established at the site in 1970.[3] In 1989, this was converted to a civilian community by the Israeli national unity government of Shimon Peres (Alignment) and Yitzhak Shamir (Likud).
At the point of the disengagement plan in 2005, there were about sixty families, totaling about 330 people, who earned their living from the free working professions, agriculture, and a central packing center for the vegetables produced by the Gaza settler communities.
Kfar Darom was initially established in 1946, but subsequently captured by the Egyptians during the War of Independence. Over the years, Kfar Darom had served as a symbol and lighthouse of faith in Hashem and the courage to hold on to the land at any cost. Once independence was declared, Arab attacks were instigated and these attackers considered Kfar Darom one of their targets.
Time for action, not talk!
Read Jewish Press article Kfar Darom: Pioneers – Then And Now, By Achinoam Kadmon 17 Shevat 5774 – January 17, 2014.
Kadmon would be the first to jump in like Nachson אם לא עכשיו אימתי ?
New slogan – which the media would grab up:
Kfar Darom First
Here are some of the actions to take immediately:
Take ads
Talk Shows
Bumper stickers
Tell the world first and the Knesset will follow like sheep!
That was Kahane’s success