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{Originally posted to the PreOccupied Territory}

New York, July 24 – Delegates to the United Nations Security Council passed through devices to detect the presence of the metal in weapons and ammunition today, en route to convening in the organization’s chamber for purposes of issuing a condemnation of Israel for installing those devices.


Council representatives assembled at their seats in the hall, after passing through magnometers as they entered the building, for security purposes. They then began to deliberate the formulation and intensity of a resolution to condemn Israel for installing magnometers at the Temple Mount for security purposes following the murder of two police officers with weapons smuggled into the compound.

“This session will come to order,” declared Council President Hippo Critt of the Republic of Macedonia. “The purpose of this emergency session, called at the request of the Palestinian ambassador, is to vote on a declaration in condemnation of Israel’s placement of metal detectors at  the Haram al-Sharif, in violation of 1967 agreements with the Jordanian Waqf under which Israel retains security control over the site.” Forty-five minutes earlier, Critt and two aides walked through the service entrance from the UN facility’s underground parking, where they passed through metal detectors similar to the units positioned by Israeli police at the Temple Mount.

He then gave the Palestinian envoy the floor. “This is a violation of everything sacred,” averred Mustafa Massikr. “Metal detectors at the Noble Sanctuary are an affront to everything sacred. As the Mufti has declared, the prayers of anyone passing through those satanic devices are not counted. The Zionist devils have left loyal Palestinians no choice but to stay out of the Haram. Who could ever agree to go through such humiliation as magnometers?” He made the remarks in a building where every entrance from the outside requires people to pass through metal detectors or similar security measures, which he and his staff do multiple times daily.

In an effort to forestall an anticipated veto of the resolution by a permanent member of the Council opposed to the condemnation, delegates from Saudi Arabia, the State of Palestine (as the Palestine Liberation Organization is known in the UN General Assembly), and other Arab-Muslim states on the Security Council had hoped to delay the ambassadors of the United States, France and the United Kingdom by engineering delays when the personnel of those delegations passed through the metal detectors on their way into the building today. The plotters encountered technical difficulties and the scheme was abandoned.

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