Photo Credit: Courtesy ZAKA
ZAKA delivering equipment to Salomon family shiva

Best known for their sacred work in honoring the dead in terror attacks, accidents on the roads and in the home, and natural disasters, the ZAKA organization, which already operates a Shiva Gemach—a free loan service for items required by mourners during the shiva week, is taking this service one stage further.

“Mourners do not always have the ability or support system to arrange all the logistics for the shiva. It’s just too overwhelming for the family,” says ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav. “That’s why we are hoping to purchase a ZAKA Chesed Truck, a mobile service that will provide, deliver and collect everything the family requires for the days of shiva – low chairs and benches for the mourners, extra chairs for visitors, Torah scroll, prayer books, and water coolers,. The Chesed Truck will deliver and collect, taking away one more logistical problem from the mourners at their hour of need.”


Just this week, ZAKA volunteers provided all the equipment required for the Salomon family shiva, following the brutal murder of Yosef and his children Chaya and Elad in Halamish last Shabbat. However, ZAKA were forced to take one of their ambulances out of service, just to deliver the equipment.

“We are currently running a fundraising campaign to purchase a ZAKA Chesed Truck and invite friends and supporters to partner with ZAKA in this new initiative that will help reduce the anxiety and concerns of families, just at the time when they most need help.” notes Meshi-Zahav.Help

Help ZAKA Deliver to Mourners in Israel

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