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God and creation

Too many people judge Israel’s guilt or innocence according to the amount of wounded and dead we have in these “military conflicts.” As a daily blogger I have complained (on Facebook) about how hard it is to get “good pictures” of damage and injury in Israel of Israelis. The Arabs are just so photogenic and love to shove blood and gore into the camera.

International media just love to show the suffering Arabs, while all we have to show is a burning field and scratched up car, broken windows, toys, some fallen shrapnel and the trail of the Iron Dome taking out the missiles before they can land. Thank G-d, yes, thank G-d for the fact that not more Israelis have been injured and killed. And thank G-d for those “timings” when the camp or the nursery school or the stores or the kitchen was hit and destroyed just as the children or family weren’t there.


Israel has a secret weapon:

G-d Almighty!

Yes, the One True G-d loves us, despite our flaws and sins and foolishness and awful politicians and disloyal doubting media.

Personally, I think that the name the Israeli PR hasbara staff gave our retaliation to the potentially deadly rockets the Gazan Arab terrorists are constantly bombarding us with, Operation Protective Edge, is limp at best and the so-called “war aim” to just return to a status quo ceasefire is a dangerous mistake. We’ve been through this too many times before, and it just gives the Arab terrorists time to further perfect their weapons. Then they always start aiming and launching at us again. And each time their reach is further. Now almost the entire country can be targeted and damaged and potentially, innocent Israelis could be murdered or injured, G-d forbid. How long will G-d protect us and swerve the rockets to save us?

Since G-d is our only true ally, let’s stop checking for United States or United Nations approval and destroy the entire terrorist missile network and infrastructure. There is nobody to please other than G-d, so let’s just do it!!

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.