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Superman Sam

There’s nothing like the death of an eight year old to make a snowstorm, electric outage and freezing weather feel like nothing.

Superman Sam Z”L’s mother the Bima Ima has given a super human voice to the pain of a mother fighting for her son’s health. The sad saga of Superman Sam isn’t unique.  Many people fight against cancer and other serious illnesses.  Some survive and some don’t.


Now Superman Sam’s father has spoken. I highly suggest reading his post.

It’s a tribute to the family’s honesty and openness that people all over the world feel they knew Superman Sam Z”L and now mourn his death.

I’ve been a gypsy this week and I don’t know when I’ll return home full time. Generator electricity isn’t full-time, and I can’t take the cold. But I wan’t complain. I’m greatful to all the inviations I’ve gotten.  I’m also grateful to the friend who replied to my:

“I have something very chutzpadik to ask you.” with “Yes, you can stay over.”

I’m in their place now. I look at this time in life as an adventure. I’m just so thankful. It’s not over yet. I just can’t complain. I’m grateful to friends and thank God we’re all healthy and rich with friends and family who are alwyas willling to help others.

If you read through the Superman Sam blog, I’ll think you’ll see that they didn’t let the fear wipe out their love and faith.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.