Photo Credit: pmw
Wall painting at PA Public school in the West Bank Palestinian flag over Israel denoting Palestinian sovereignty.

For me it’s as simple as

1 + 2 = 3


X + Y = Z


That’s because…

X = PM Netanyahu: “I remain committed to a solution of two states for two peoples…” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is determined to negotiate with the P.A. Palestinian Authority, headed by Fatah, to establish a Palestinian sic State.

Y = PA Palestinian Authority school message: “Palestine” will replace Israel.

It’s very clear that since the aim of the P.A. Palestinian Authority is the destruction of the State of Israel, G-d forbid, then…

Z = The destruction of the State of Israel

There will be no peace with a Palestinian State. Netanyahu’s conditions will be watered down by massive international pressure, either with him at the helm or a more Leftist Prime Minister. Every time Netanyahu proclaims that the Palestinians sic deserve a state, he’s nailing nails into our coffin. He’s supporting and facilitating terrorism and destruction.

I’m a pragmatist plain and simple. Our enemies aren’t lying. They aren’t embarrassed to broadcast their aims. We must listen and take steps.

  • Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu must admit that his policy is faulty and reverse it! 
  • The State of Israel must declare full sovereignty in all of the Land we now hold and administer including Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and the Golan.


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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.