Photo Credit:
Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (L.) with a friend.

For individual Jews, we make a kiddush Hashem whenever we do a chesed/act of kindness and whenever we respond to attack with restraint, understanding and love for our fellow Jews.

At the end of the evening, David Glatt presented several prepared questions from the audience, on a range of topics including anti-semitism, technology & children, and the possibility of a global conflict between Christians and Muslims (which Rabbi Sacks dismissed, saying the next global-scale conflict is likely to be Muslims against other Muslims).


The evening was a tremendous success, giving us all a welcome boost in troubled times, and much kudos goes to the organisers and sponsors.

In my brief face-to-face with Rabbi Sacks, I asked him “What would it take to get you to move to Israel?” Rabbi Sacks replied “Time!”.

We will wait patiently – as Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ presence would surely be a major asset in the State of Israel – and particularly for the embattled Anglos he was addressing.

Truly the Very Best of British, Beit Shemesh!

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David Morris has been nominated for the President of Israel's Prize 2010. He is an entrepreneur in the fields of charity and electro-optics; Established Lema'an Achai ("For My Brothers"), the innovative community social services charity in Ramat Bet Shemesh, "Magen", the Bet Shemesh Child Protection Agency, and "Yad LeYedid" (A Hand to a Friend) charity helping impoverished families in Jerusalem. His day-job as Owner/CEO of Scitronix Ltd is marketing sophisticated electro-optical products to high tech industries in Israel. David is the proud dad of six amazing children, and luckiest-husband-in-the-world of Julie Morris.