Photo Credit: Uri Lenz/Flash90
former State Department advisor, NSC official and a special assistant to President Obama,

Ross admits “it is unclear whether Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, whose regime depends so heavily on hostility to America, is willing to make a deal on the nuclear issue.” In other words, everything he wrote until now is basically wishful thinking.

Ross continues with his cop-out clause: “Of course, Iran’s government might try to draw out talks while pursuing their nuclear program.” Simply put, they will continue their ongoing, and successful strategy of lying to the Western dupes who want to believe them at almost any cost – especially if its Israel that will be the one to pay.


Iran’s ploy to offer to negotiate is predicated on a reduction of sanctions, as confidence building measures, or just a precondition for negotiations, period. So the Mullahs can easily stretch out “negotiations” while they are able to cross every one of the Obama administration’s “red lines”. Nothing like diplomacy and sanctions to win the day; too bad the day is over.

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The author is a veteran journalist specializing in geo-political and geo-strategic affairs in the Middle East. His articles have appeared in such publications as The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, Insight Magazine, Nativ, The Jerusalem Post and Makor Rishon. His articles have been reprinted by Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the US Congressional Record.