I was forced back to reality as realized I had to rush to a late minyan. I was now an avel and needed to lead the service and say Kaddish.

I went to the amud and opened my tallis and tefillin bag. But where was my tallis? Had I forgotten it in this same shul the day before? I looked and looked, to no avail. I needed to sit shiva that week, but where was my tallis?


I continued my search when shiva was over, but my tallis was gone. It was my mamale’s tallis. And it was now complete, to the last stitch!

I said, “Mommy, I lost my tallis!” Looking upward, I knew exactly where my tallis was and who was wearing it.

May my mother, Malka Kamenetsky Shurin, be an upright spokeswoman for the final redemption.


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Dov Shurin is a popular radio personality and the composer and producer of several albums. He lives with his family in Israel and can be contacted at [email protected]. His Jewish Press column appears the third issue of each month.