Our pressure on Shedma continues. Our goal is for Shedma not to be transferred to Arab control. As we reported last week, Shedma is a strategically important spot between Har Choma in Jerusalem and Eastern Gush Etzion.


            We went to Shedma every morning last week, and every time the army was waiting for us with orders declaring the site a closed military zone – thus precluding anyone from staying there. The orders were renewed each day. On July 23, we left the area with the obvious intent of returning there the next day – hoping that there would be no orders closing off the site to us.


            As we talked to the soldiers we saw children from Beit Sahur, accompanied by one of the advisers from the Anarchists’ Group, enter the site that a moment before had been closed off to Jews. We could not consent to this injustice. We got out of our car and made it known that if the anarchists went in, we wouldn’t leave. In the end, the army reconsidered and did not allow the anarchists to enter the area.


            The topic of the European anarchists is moving to the top of the agenda in Eretz Yisrael circles. European involvement is increasing daily. Their fear of the Arabs and thirst for petroleum, coupled with their desire to trample the Jews, create a process that can pay off for them in the short run; ultimately, however, the Arabs will conquer Europe. The anarchists proclaim on their website that their goal is to carry out the “colonization” of Judea and Samaria – all under the guise of education and humanitarianism. Unfortunately in Israel the rule of law still does not relate seriously to this phenomenon, and we are very afraid that if we do not deal with this problem right now the situation will get worse.


            Moreover, the Europeans – with help from Oxfam, the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief – have begun preparing agricultural tracts of land for the Arabs. All of them are along the sides of the road, with impressive signs proclaiming how much they are helping the “poor” Palestinians.


            The anarchist phenomenon already exists in Hebron and in Hebron’s Southern Hill settlements. They agitate the Arabs, and the security situation is going to become unbearable. Just last week the Arabs shot at IDF forces from Tzurif, an Arab village in Gush Etzion. It is the same village responsible for massacring the 35 defenders sent to reinforce Kfar Etzion in 1948.


            We, the Eretz Yisrael Faithful, shall strive to continue our activities at Shedma and expose the true face of the anarchists. We shall be victorious, for this land is ours! And with God’s help – and with your help and support – we will win.


            Yehudit Katzover, a resident of Kiryat Arba-Hebron, is a member of the Eretz Yisrael Faithful.


            Send comments to Zvi Katzover, mayor of Kiryat Arba, at [email protected].

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Yehudit Katzover is one of the founders of Women in Green. This essay was written in Hebrew and translated into English by Sally Zahav.