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Jewish Holidays' Guide for the Perplexed by Yoram Ettinger

8. The Sukkah (ritual hut) does not have a concrete roof, but is covered with branches of trees, representing the divine clouds which sheltered/shielded the Jewish people during the forty years in the desert, signifying the access to God, and the trust in God’s guardianship. Hence the name of Sukkot: the shadow of faith and security (צילא דמהימנותא). The Hebrew word for roof (which is not allowed in Sukkot) is גג (“gag” – a synonym to “silence” and “shut up” in English), which some interpretations relate to the name of the Amalekite king, Agag and to Gog and Magog, the spiritual adversaries of the values of Sukkot.

9. The House of David is compared to a Sukkah/tabernacle (Amos 9:1-15), representing the central vision of the ingathering of Jews to their land, Zion, the Land of Israel. Sukkot is the holiday of harvesting – Assif (אסיף)- which also means “ingathering” (אסוף) in Hebrew. The four sides of the Sukkah represent the global Jewish community, which ingathers under the same roof/shelter. The construction of the Sukkah and Zion are two of the 248 Jewish Do’s (next to the 365 Don’ts). Sukkot – just like Passover – commemorates Jewish sovereignty and liberty. Sukkot highlights the collective responsibility of the Jewish people, complementing Yom Kippur’s and Rosh Hashanah’s individual responsibility. Humility – as a national and personal prerequisite – is accentuated by the humble Sukkah. Sukkot provides the last opportunity for the annual repentance.


10. The seven days of Sukkot are dedicated to the 7 Ushpizin, distinguished guests (origin of the words Hospes and hospitality): Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David. They defied immense odds in their determined pursuit of ground- breaking faith and principle-driven initiatives. The Ushpizin should constitute role models for contemporary leadership.

To read more on Sukkot, the Jewish meaning of “holiday,” additional Jewish holidays, the Sabbath, the Jubilee and annual fasting days please clique <–> .


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Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger is consultant to Israel’s Cabinet members and Israeli legislators, and lecturer in the U.S., Canada and Israel on Israel’s unique contributions to American interests, the foundations of U.S.-Israel relations, the Iranian threat, and Jewish-Arab issues.