Up to their old tricks on Monday, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Sen. Intelligence Committee ranking member Mark Warner (D-Va.) wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray asking for a counterintelligence briefing before the August recess on efforts to interfere in the 2020 presidential election:

We are gravely concerned, in particular, that Congress appears to be the target of a concerted foreign interference campaign, which seeks to launder and amplify  disinformation in order to influence congressional activity, public debate, and the presidential election in November.

Schiff said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he “can’t go into the underlying information” because it’s classified, but he said the potential interference is happening exactly four years after he and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), sent a letter warning about Russian meddling in the 2016 election.


Really! Wouldn’t that mean that their warning came with about six months left on the Barack Obama watch? Does anyone not remember the falsehoods and mischaracterizations that were unleashed then?

Why haven’t the esteemed legislators called for broad public support and quick conclusions of the Durham and Graham investigations? Are they oblivious to the information that has just been declassified and released? Haven’t contemporaneous notes by senior FBI officials directly debunked – in almost all particulars – all of those earnest New York Times and Washington Post inside stories and exposes based on “anonymous” sources?

How about the information now available documenting that the “collusion” theory itself really was a hoax and that some of Washington officialdom knew it was even as they continued to pursue it? Or the direct evidence confirming that the Steele Report was known to be a fraud virtually from the get-go? Are we in for a reprise of the last three-and-a-half years?

Aren’t the aforementioned lawmakers interested in why the investigations came to run on fumes for years if only to thwart similar wrongdoing? Maybe they can say that they didn’t know the truth then. But they do now.

Then again, maybe they’re just scoping out a possible second Trump administration and anticipating their insurance needs.


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