An explosive Fox News expose seems to have blown the Anti-Defamation League’s cover as a civil rights organization. It now appears that the ADL – which was organized to fight antisemitism – has been promoting parts of woke ideology which contribute to antisemitism!

The ADL runs a high-priced “No Place for Hate” program which provides anti-hate materials to schools. According to Fox News, however, the materials of late have included such items as model lesson plans on Critical Race Theory (CRT), with its dogma about “white privilege” and “whiteness” and intersectionality – the idea that there are overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage. Everything must be seen through the prism of race and support the woke calumny that Jews and Israel must be viewed as white, privileged oppressors of brown Palestinians.


Another model lesson plan about equality for women calls on students to reflect on the 2017 Women’s March using “an intersectionality approach.” Yet it completely ignored the rampant anti-Semitism that overtook the March and some of its leadership.

Incredibly still another model lesson plan asked students to reflect on the “achievements” of “Black Lives Matter,” without any mention of the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hatred attributed to it.

One would have thought that the ADL would spend its time in fighting against the continuing scourge of anti-Semitism and not in championing notions of discrimination that are far more complicated.

For its part, the ADL adamantly denies that it promotes CRT, but concedes that “there is content among our curricular material that is misaligned with ADL’s values and strategies.”

Whatever that means. We think Fox got the better of them in this argument..

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