The effort to get Israel to commit to a Palestinian state post Gaza war seemed to reach full bore this past week with officials from the Biden administration, the United Nations, the European Union, and Saudi Arabia all opining – as if on script – that a so-called “two state solution” is our only salvation. Of course, Iran, Hezbollah, and the Houthis also chimed in that their respective attacks on Israeli and American targets and Western shipping were only matters of supporting Hamas against Israeli aggression and meant to force a ceasefire and “two states” on Israel.

So, we thought it appropriate to remind President Biden and Secretary Blinken of just a couple of things. Hamas plainly unleashed October 7 and its attendant depravity in order to demonstrate its determination to establish a Palestinian state and underscore that the world could not expect to go about its business without the cooperation of Hamas.


So, for Israel – and for the U.S. too, by the way – to agree to a Palestinian state would be to reward their savagery and acknowledge that, at all events, they chose wisely.

Hamas has also never indicated that it would accept a “Jewish state,” not that they could be believed if they did. Not with the succession of tactical disengagements designed to lull enemies, known as hudnas, that have been recurrent features of Arab history.

Nor can it be ignored that despite their unspeakable actions on October 7, the so-called “moderate” Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian Authority is even now in the process of granting stipends to the perpetrators or their families.

And then, as we have noted before, there is the looming presence of Iran, another of Israel’s implacable enemies of which Hamas is a proxy. Would Iran ever allow for a Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel?

Indeed, would Iran ever allow a Palestinian state to ally with the U.S., which Iran has dubbed, “the Great Satan?” Will Iran simply abandon its toxic competition with Saudi Arabia? Surely not.

With all respect, where then do U.S. interests lie, Mr. President? Better you should continue to help Israel do its thing to eliminate the threat on it borders. Better you should continue to promote Israeli/Saudi normalization and the growth of the Abraham Accords.


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