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Rabbi Stephen Wise

Against this compelling array of justifications, it is not hard – except for liberal Jews – to make the case for Israel, with or without settlements. But like Rabbi Wise, they are inclined to serve as Court Jews, determined to demonstrate their allegiance to the United States lest they confront allegations of divided loyalty.

The continuing debate among historians over Roosevelt’s abandonment of European Jews to Hitler’s fanatical determination to exterminate them retains far more than academic interest. The complicity of American Jewish leaders – and their followers – was driven by the paralyzing fear that their loyalty would be questioned if they challenged the president.


Nearly seventy years after the end of World War II and the birth of Israel, American Jewish liberals still show little regard for the timeless biblical admonition (Devarim 25): “Zachor – Remember what Amalek did to you.”

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Jerold S. Auerbach, professor emeritus of history at Wellesley College, is the author of “Print to Fit: The New York Times, Zionism and Israel, 1896-2016."