Photo Credit: Abir sultan/Flash90
Gush Katif Museum in Jerusalem

Is this the first time you’re running the Jerusalem half-marathon?

Yes, this is actually going to be my first ever half marathon and what a special city to do it in! I used to play sport a lot, especially football and am trying to keep fit.


How are you training?

I am training in the Kibbutz. There is a circuit of 3km around the perimeter. I started in October doing one 3km circuit and hope to do 21km (7 circuits) next week which will be up to the half marathon distance.

With so many good causes, what made you decide on a Gush Katif one?

Gush Katif is very close to my heart. After being in Nitsan at the Heritage Center and seeing the kindness of all the Gush Katif former residents I have met there was no other cause I could think more deserving. In November I stayed with the Chazani family in Avnei Eitan for Shabbat in their beautiful Zimmer. I learned the story of how the head of the family died of a broken heart. It was so sad to see that family have their Shabbat meal without the head of their household. For me the people of Gush Katif epitomize what Israel and the Jewish people are about. I want to give something back to say thanks for being our first line of defense against radical Islam, for giving us so much innovative technology and for giving so much to the rest of the world.

One final sentence? I hope that by doing this half marathon I can highlight the phenomenon that is Gush Katif, what the people built and had destroyed by their own government. How these remarkable people are trying to rebuild their lives after such a horrendous ordeal and to try and raise some money to actually physically help those who deserve our thanks and support. If one person from Northern Ireland can do something surely the might of a government can do more to help its loyal citizens.

To learn more about Stephen’s cause and support it press here.


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Shifra Shomron is the author of “Grains Of Sand: The Fall Of Neve Dekalim” (2007, Mazo Publishers), available at