Photo Credit: Flash 90
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

I wonder when the National Democratic Alliance government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi would really give a befitting reply to those radical Islamist sections in the establishment in Islamabad that have been behind both the (1999)Kargil-kind wars and the terror strikes against modern secular India — Parliament (2001), Kaluchak ( May 2002) and the Mumbai (Nov. 2008). Recently, enraged over Islamabad-sponsored terror strike at our Army base in Uri and, earlier, Pathankot Air Force base, the Indian Army did conduct its surgical strike across the Line of Control in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. But it is proving meaningless. The post-Uri attacks by the militants in Manikote, Baramulla and Handiwara say it all. There is no point repeating what has been obvious ever since the State of Jammu and Kashmir became part of India. It is New Delhi’s moral,legal and constitutional obligation to defend its land( Pak-occupied Kashmir) and the rights and liberties of each and every citizen living therein. The current dispensation in New Delhi must give our apolitical, professional Army relative autonomy to clear the PoK of foreign occupation and all terror camps.

New Delhi must exercise its right to self-defense. It needs nobody’s approval for this. All major powers resort to self-defense whenever it is needed. In India’s case it is part of humanity, our meaningful existence. It would be naive if New Delhi still calculated some kind of international cooperation would do the needful for India. We all know most of the member- states of the world body have little faith in democracy, peace and development. Our External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj rightly said at the United Nations in September this year, “In our midst, there are nations that still speak the language of terrorism, that nurture it, peddle it, and export it. To shelter terrorists has become their calling card. We must identify these nations and hold them to account…These nations, in which U.N.-designated terrorists roam freely, lead processions and deliver their poisonous sermons of hate with impunity, are as culpable as the very terrorists they harbour. Such countries should have no place in the comity of nations.” She said, “ Terrorists do not own banks or weapons factories, so let us ask the real question: who finances these terrorists, who arms them and provides sanctuaries?”


History bears out immoral forces such as radical Islamists behave only when they are challenged and cornered by the conscientious and brave. Time New Delhi did not waste its time over dialogue with those who did not believe in the diplomacy of the civilized. The code of such forces’ behaviour is similar to that of the Palestinian ruling elites : spread the culture of hatred and violence against the civilized. Time India acted in defense of its citizens who have suffered so long on account of terrorism.

In a recent media interview ( Power Politics, November 2016), our former Army Chief General Shankar Roy Chowdhury suggested that the Indian Army could launch more attacks in the PoK to protect the country against terrorism and aggression. Prime Minister Modi may consider his suggestion. Modi is full of praise for the Israeli Defense Force’s actions in Palestine and Lebanon. At a meeting in Himachal Pradesh on October 18, Modi likened the Indian Army’s recent strikes across the LoC as “no less than the Israel Army.” He must give the Indian defense forces the kind of autonomy the Israeli leadership gives to its own.

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Jagdish N. Singh is an Indian journalist based in New Delhi.