Photo Credit: public domain
Rabin and Clinton swallow the lie and shake hands with Arafat.

Rabin’s Legacy

Thanks to Yitzchak Rabin and Peres, our tiny country is under siege within and without. Rabin sanitized the PLO, and every self-respecting leftist today “knows” that the PA is comprised of moderates. Moderates who will gun you down as fast as any ISIS barbarian. Moderates who are armed to the teeth with powerful weapons and the ability to use them. While Hamas occupies Gaza and fires rockets upon the length and width of our tiny besieged country, Hezbollah dominates the northern fight. And lest we forgot, the roving Islamic psychopaths of ISIS are heading our way. We are much weaker than before Oslo, and there were plenty of problems beforehand, such as the ticking time bomb of Arab demography. Today, all mainstream politicians encourage, in one form or another, the Oslo march to the graveyard.


The latest virus of Arab violence in Jerusalem is another indication of what the Arabs within Israel have in store for us. Last week, an Arab beast attempted to murder Rabbi Yehudah Glick, a prominent advocate for Jewish prayer rights on Har Habayit. Previously, this Arab worked in a restaurant in the Begin Center. The latest act of Arab terror in what has become a genuine intifada within Jerusalem. Only the blind would deny that the Arabs of Jerusalem are showing their true faces. A Jew signs his own death warrant if he enters many Arab sections of Jerusalem. For those who haven’t yet learned, these latest Arab riots destroy the myth of the moderate “Israeli-Arab,” a nonsensical term made up by the Left since they want to believe in the myth of moderate Arabs within Israel. We are witnessing an Arab war in Jerusalem against Jews. “An uprising” as the post-zionist left would prefer to call it. The same as the “Arab uprisings” of the 20’s and 30’s, where marauding Arabs butchered and mutilated hundreds of Jews.

Netanyahu and his band of incompetents keep rehashing the same tired and false mantras. “We will come down strong against terror.” “We will not tolerate terror.” They are liars. They have tolerated it, and they will continue to do so, since the only alternative would be to gun down Arab mobs every day. And how would that look in the western media? What would the State Department say? A normal Jew responds with the retort, “the hell with them,” but normal Jews do not currently run the eternally perplexed Israeli government. So we are forced to see the repugnant images of Israeli police speeding away from rioting Arabs. Instead of gunning them down like rabid beasts, they flee like frightened prey. Those who want to damn the anti-semites of the world for their obvious bias against Jews, should open their eyes to the reality within our own leadership. If the State Department doesn’t consider Arab “youth” who hurl stones at Jewish heads to be terrorists, and they don’t, then neither do our clueless leaders.

Rabin’s Authentic Legacy

In his youth, Rabin participated in the murder of heroic Jews. His career took off like a rocket because he was a “yes man” when Ben-Gurion wanted Begin and the Irgun eliminated. As an older man, Rabin shook hands with the devil and signed Israel’s death warrant on the lawn of the White House. In the name of “peace” he parceled Israel up as if it was his own private real estate and armed Arafat and his Amalekite fiends. Thousands of slaughtered and maimed Jews courtesy of his insanity. All in the name of peace.

Rabin betrayed the Jewish people. Today he is a god in the eyes of the left. And still they haven’t learned; nor have their allegedly “right-wing” counterparts of the Likud, who continue to march along to the beat of of Rabin’s death march. Rabin is their modern day Baal, and they are the priests.


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Donny Fuchs made aliyah in 2006 from Long Island to the Negev, where he resides with his family. He has a keen passion for the flora and fauna of Israel and enjoys hiking the Negev desert. His religious perspective is deeply grounded in the Rambam's rational approach to Judaism.