Photo Credit: Yaakov Naumi/Flash90

Choosing what clothing to buy and, consequently, what clothing to wear is a very personal endeavor. The decision has the power to reveal or conceal one’s inner self in one fell swoop. To some women, clothing is a chance to express individuality by wearing unique and special items. Others view clothing in the most functional manner, as nothing more than a necessary covering for the body.

At any rate, black as a staple in the frum woman’s closet won’t be going away anytime soon. Naturally our daughters, who want to look like mommy and/or their peers, will continue to embrace the dark side as well.


On a personal note, I like to dress well and always hope my appearance defines me as an Orthodox Jewish woman. To paraphrase a well-worn cliché: On a day I choose to wear an all-black ensemble, I would hope I am judged not by the color of my outfit but by the color of my soul.

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Dr. Chani Miller is an optometrist and writer who lives in Highland Park, N.J., with her family. She is a frequent contributor to The Jewish Press.