Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz
Replace Biden for Obama-They are serving the same main course

Obama does promise that the United States will “do our part.” If I were an Israeli I would be screaming, “Nooooo!” At least until a new president enters the White House and for the sake of the survival of Western civilization, a Republican president. For the only way to defeat the forces of evil in this world is to acquire the strength to do so, project that strength, and have the will to use it to win the peace for which the world is searching. After five and a half years of Obama, evil is flourishing as the world’s barbarians recognize an America with no resolve to defeat them.

The good news is that no one listens to Barack Obama anymore. They may occasionally listen in for a good chuckle but no one takes him for his word, no one takes him seriously, and he has become a laughingstock the world over. So perhaps some of Ha’aretz’s progressive readers nodded a resounding “Yes we can” but the rest of us that are in fact clear-eyed won’t be saying “Amen” to anything Obama says unless it’s his resignation speech.


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Lauri B. Regan is a lawyer, a regular contributor to the American Thinker and serves on the boards of the National Women’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition and the Endowment for Middle East Truth.