The Kamala Coverup Begins

You can truly be unburdened by the past when it’s being rewritten for you.

What Happens Now? A Dem Civil War

“The leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

From Democracy to Donorocracy

Donors decided Biden should step out. Now donors will pick Kamala’s VP.

Biden Unfit to be Candidate, Yet Fit to be President?

If Biden is unfit to run, he must step down or be impeached.

The Trump Shooting Saved… Biden

The assassination attempt was the one thing that could save his candidacy

All the President’s Liars

The media hasn’t stopped lying to us. It’s only begun to lie.

Vandalizing LGBTQ Materials is a Crime Unless You Support Hamas

“I don’t know why it took the police so long to arrest them.”

What The Hell Happened?

You can’t debate if you can’t think. Biden can talk, but he can’t think.

Making the War About the Hostages Was a Mistake

"No one has an idea" of how many hostages in Gaza are alive, a Hamas official said.

Biden’s Deal Gives Hamas Everything It Wanted

This isn't an Israeli deal or an American deal. It's a deal by Islamic terrorists for Islamic terrorists.

Blinken: Only Nation Building, Not Fighting Terrorists, Can Defeat Terrorists

The lesson of Oct 7 is to stop the nation-building and defeat the terrorists.

Biden Risks American Lives to Protect Hamas

No American should die to protect Hamas or its supporters in Gaza.

Never Trumpers Dump Biden After Israel Betrayal

"I’ve heard from a LOT of reliably anti-Trump people - I mean really, really, anti-Trump people - who have had it with Biden tonight."

Biden Knew Before

"Iran communicated through the Swiss channel that its strike on Israel was complete"

Swastikas Are Progressive Now

Vandalizing synagogues with swastikas is good, leftists argue.

Why an Oct 7 Memorial Needs Warning Signs and Guards

This is what it takes to keep leftists and Islamists from trashing it.

State Dept Complains Israel is “Writing Off Their Reputation Damage”

“The Israelis seemed oblivious to the fact that they are facing major, possibly generational damage to their reputation.”

A Despicable Speech by a Despicable President

"This was not a State of the Union address, it was a fascistic campaign rally."

A Pogrom in Berkeley

“I never have felt scared to be a Jewish student on campus until last night”

Making the WRONG Choice

Warners Had To Choose Between Harry Potter and DEI. It Chose Wrongly.

London’s Muslim Mayor Picks Tranny Hookers Over Queen

Instead of a statue of Queen Elizabeth, Trafalgar Square will feature "transgender sex workers"

Biden, Egypt Warn Israel Not to Finish Off Hamas

"A military operation now in that area cannot proceed."

Biden Warned Israel Not to Enter Rafah, Israel Entered and Rescued 2 Hostages

"On the second floor, Louis and Fernando were held by armed Hamas terrorists"

Leaked Iranian Gov Docs Show Soros Group Acted as Foreign Agent

Should Soros and allies be arrested for failing to register as foreign agents?


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