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Do we really want our children to grow up and be pure souls without being upright souls, to live in a purified camp rather than one recognized the world over for its uprightness? Perhaps it is time to form an organization called Ichud HaKehillos LeYashrus HaMachaneh, the Union of Communities for the Uprightness of the Camp.

Alan Krinsky is a senior analyst in the field of healthcare quality improvement. He is also a writer who was previously a monthly columnist for Rhode Island’s Jewish Voice & Herald and whose essays have been published in print and online by a number of publications. He lives with his family in Providence where he currently serves as president of Congregation Beth Sholom.


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(Alan Krinsky is a Senior Fiscal Policy Analyst and author of Running in Good Faith: Observant Judaism and Libertarian Politics, which examines not only property ownership, but also freedom, individualism and community, taxation and welfare, government, and whether we own ourselves)