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‏As we approach the second month of Adar, we can almost see Queen Esther and Mordechai standing in the palace in front of King Achashverosh receiving all the gifts and all the good news for the Jewish nation. With each holiday that comes along, we always think maybe this holiday will be the one that will bring the full redemption for the whole country, for the whole nation.

What do we live for? What do Jewish people live for? What does anyone look for? We must have a purpose in everything that we do, otherwise we are no different than the animals who go about their day looking for food, shelter, and some playful companion. As Jews there’s always a higher goal. There’s always something beyond what the eye sees. Even our soul, which is the most important part of our existence, is hidden inside our body. To the naked eye, it looks like we’re just like the animals going about our day looking to survive, to enjoy ourselves. But really what are we living for?


We know that we’re living for something higher. We know that there is a king and that is Hashem. We know that He’s looking down on us all the time and He wants us to go in the right direction. He wants us to look up to Him. But it’s so hard not to get lost, It’s so hard to focus and remember to look up. We’re so busy looking ahead to the next business deal, the next fun adventure. And today, were busy looking down at our phones. How can we possibly remember what we’re living for? What’s our purpose? The holidays are spread throughout the year to help remind us where we are really headed. Shabbos that comes once a week. Rosh Chodesh, it comes once a month. We are so fortunate that we are constantly reminded that Hashem never leaves our side. Hashem does not want us to fail. He wants us to succeed in our mission down here on Earth. Therefore He is always guiding us, always sending us little hints. Little messages. Big messages. Hashem is always with us. We just need to stop, look up and look around. We will always see and feel what we need to do.

The last few weeks I’ve been trying to spread happiness and joy as much as I can to others. I think to myself, if I can be happy and enjoy the pretty day, a nice song or a smile from someone, then I can give that over to somebody else. And keep the chain going. And keep spreading happiness wherever I go. It is very easy. To live just for ourselves. Wake up in the morning, go to work, come back, take care of our personal matters. But we are all connected to one another. And we must not think of just going about our day and doing what we need to do. We must always think, how can we touch somebody else, even if it’s just one more person? We must think to ourselves, ‘How can I give even the smallest thing to somebody else?’ It does not need to be money. Does not need to be a favor. You’ll be fine just to give a smile or a laugh. A good word. Anybody can give to others and make other people happy just like that. A hug or a kiss. I see so many people are sad for so many different reasons. And all they really need is another person to notice them.

I’ve said this before. I’ve mentioned the topic of giving in the past. and I thought with the holiday of Purim coming up we are commanded to give presents to the poor and unfortunate. It’s called matanot la’evyonim. I think that these presents are not physical. I think these presents are emotional. The events in Israel are so sad with the war and all the people just can’t seem to cheer themselves up, people are just sad . They don’t seem to be very happy. And I want to give presents to all the souls that feel that they are poor or unfortunate. Emotionally and spiritually. I want to give them a hug. I want to tell them that it’s so good that they are around, that they are in the world. I want to tell them that they have so much to give just by being them. Until the holiday of Purim comes let us look into ourselves and see all the riches that our soul contains. Everyone contains something else. Give from your riches to others. Some people can sing. Sing someone a song. Someone can dance or play a musical instrument. Play someone a song. Someone has love or happiness in their heart. Give someone else a hug. Share your happiness with them. Someone is a good listener. Listen to someone else. Someone has a good eye. Give a good word. Let us prepare ourselves for the victory of Purim, when the Jews won over their enemies. When the enemy wanted to destroy them. When they won in Shushan, and turned everything around. The enemy is with us all the time. It doesn’t mean physically an enemy, it is the enemy inside of us. Let’s turn it around. Let’s have victory upon our enemy, which is our sadness. Which is our pessimism. Our worries. Let’s turn it around. Believe in Hashem. Let’s believe in the good soul that He gave each and every one of us. Look at the gifts we have inside. And share them. Live to give. Live to smile. And have a wonderful second month of Adar.


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Michal can be reached at [email protected]