Omitted Date

Shulchan Aruch, following Rashi and Rif, rules that the creditor cannot collect at all from sold property based on the invalid document, but he can still collect based on it from the debtor, who is not believed to contradict it.

Beat The Heat

If we seek to live our lives based on our own abilities and means, we are very limited. However, if we live with the awareness that it’s Hashem’s world, and we are merely trying to play our part in the divine plan, then we tap into the infinitude of the divine.

The Kuzari Principle Revisited

Before you call me an apikores, no proof is good if it isn’t subject to honest evaluation and criticism.

Is It Proper To Go To A Baseball Game During The Three Weeks?

Many poskim hold that since the music at a baseball game is incidental, one may attend a baseball game during the Three Weeks.

Daf Yomi

Within His Grasp ‘Title…Is Established In Three Years [Of Occupancy] From Day To Day’ (Bava Basra 28a)

Daf Yomi And The Assassination Attempt

Imagine how different things would have been earlier this week had the walls supporting the roof of the structure on which the assassin was perched not have been at a height from which the assassin could have peered into the area around the podium where former President Trump was standing.

Avoid The Rush

Someone once noted that a goal without a time frame is usually a mere fleeting dream. Even the best of intentions and aspirations are nebulous unless there is a manageable goal within a specific time frame.

The Anti-Avraham

Many aspects of human nature have changed, and one cannot take pedagogical advice from the Gemara alone, any more than one can decide halacha from the Gemara alone.

Is It Proper To Go On A Family Outing During The Three Weeks?

There is no question that at least for the Ashkanazim the three weeks are a time for contemplation and introspection. That being said, the majority feeling among poskim is that vacations and family outings are permitted during this time at least for the weeks prior to Rosh Chodesh Av, when the nine days begin before Tisha B’Av.

How To Calculate A Sixth

The simplest calculation is a 1/6 variance from the fair market value, whether underpayment or overpayment, replied Rabbi Dayan. Thus, for an item worth $60, a sales price of $50 or $70 – a variance of $10 – is considered 1/6 onaah and warrants adding the $10 underpayment or returning the $10 overcharge (C.M. 227:2).

Daf Yomi

Beyond The Letter Of The Law ‘He May Be Replaced By One Who Teaches More [Faster] …’ (Baba Basra 21a)

Seeking Temimut

Innocence and naivete must be left behind. How can we hope to recapture them? Some things cannot be undone, only lived with.

Allowing Yourself To Receive

Whether a person has self-esteem or is instead narcissistic will impact on his or her ability to embody intellectual humility.

The Ripple Effect Of Honoring Torah

We honor Torah, suggest the commentaries, by learning Torah and by performing the commandments, as well as by showing proper respect for both holy books as well as sages.

Swan Song

By Thursday afternoon (a day earlier than expected) camp reached the 2,500 berachos mark. The entire camp enjoyed a special dessert on Shabbos in celebration.

Is It Proper To Go To A Water Park?

If we’re talking about an all one-gender situation, then there is no problem. So, if the water park is rented out and it is all men or all women, there is certainly no issue; in fact, it’s a fine idea.

Daf Yomi, Herod The “Great,” And Israel’s Current Fate

Herod may have been the greatest builder of all time (or one of the greatest), but he certainly was not the greatest savior, saving the life of Ben Buta but then arranging for the gouging out of Ben Buta’s eyes (indirectly) to disqualify him from ever serving on a future Sanhedrin which could rule against Herod’s royal aspirations as did the rabbis he murdered.

Kulo Pikadon

If you would explicitly arrange not to accept liability for the money, but rather to invest Shimon’s money in a CD and give him at the end of the year whatever you receive back from the bank, replied Rabbi Dayan, you would not need a heter iska.

Daf Yomi

Sanctity In The Margins ‘Its Length Shall Equal Its Circumference…’ (Bava Basra 14a)

A Mother’s Promise To Her Husband

It is time to say goodbye to Shai. Maayan wraps her arms around her family, his family, all ages and generations, join together as one. She stands strong, you can see it in her eyes.

Morality As Choice

This is the question that Turnus Rufus the wicked asked Rabbi Akiva: If your G-d loves the poor, for what reason does He not support them Himself?

Pride And Joy

Perhaps it may be somewhat of a heretical question, but supposing G-d had a wallet, whose picture would be in it? Who could be deemed the Pride and Joy of the Master of the world, as it were?

What’s The Proper Way For American Jews To Celebrate July 4th, If At All?

To celebrate any day other than those mandated by the Torah or by Chazal is not proper. However, to commemorate days of importance is proper. Since July 4th commemorates the independence of the United States, it is proper to show one's gratitude to the United States for the freedom it avails to those that live there.

Rental Ona’ah

I know that there is ona’ah regarding sales, replied Ari, but I never heard about ona’ah regarding rental. Anyway, I didn’t overcharge you; you offered $40 on your own! Besides, you should have asked around yesterday. You can’t come today and claim ona’ah.

Daf Yomi

A Fundraiser’s Reward ‘Those Who Persuade Others To Give Charity Are Greater’ (Bava Basra 9a)

Trickle Down Theory

As to why the Sages considered sin with the mouth as a precursor to sexual immorality, on a simple level we may say that lack of boundaries and respect will lead to also breaking barriers of dignity and body integrity.

Are Our Weddings Too Expensive?

Is it right? In my estimation it can be misconstrued and seen as a sign of arrogance and haughtiness which our Sages certainly look upon as being at best unacceptable behavior for Jewish people.

Recipe For Raising A Happy Well-Adjusted Child

Prepare based on temperament and personality. Add healthy dose of tefillah. Mix together all ingredients while continually adding tefillos. Allow to rise generously.

Daf Yomi

No Trespass ‘Two Gardens, One Above The Other…’ (Bava Metzia 118b)

The Lost Hat

The primary means of hashavas aveidah, returning lost items, is through simanim, identifying features, replied Rabbi Dayan.


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