No Refunds
Beis Hillel's argument seems to be that it is a given that it would be under the category of hurtful speech to denigrate something that another person purchased.
Keep It Going
One of the simplest yet most profound pieces of advice I ever heard is you don’t drown by falling into the water; you drown by staying there.
Getting Closer
When we come before Hashem, with only one page in our hands to offer, it might be a good page with a lot of good deeds, but it doesn't represent or reflect who we really are. On the contrary, the judge might look at that one page and say this doesn't show Him who we really are. There's not enough information here.
Daf Yomi
Rabbi Nechunia’s Prayer
‘… Even So, An Actual Incident Is Greater’
(Bava Basra 83a)
Daf Yomi And Agadita – Roots And Uproots
One can’t help but speculate about what happened in Israel on October 7, which led many people around the world to conclude that they were safe only as far as they could get away from Israel and Gaza...
The Best I Can
It is vital that we never forget that our goal is growth, not perfection! As long as we can honestly state that we are doing the best we can with what the Aibishter has given us, we can feel confident that we are doing our part.
The Psychology Of Intuition And Rashi
Rashi’s experience is reminiscent of a number of great thinkers and scientists who described their breakthroughs as coming from imaginative visions.
Is It Proper To Have Gender Disappointment?
Having children of any sex is a gift of unimaginable kindness. I know of people who have been trying to have a child for such a long time who would give anything to have a child male or female.
It Was Decreed Last Year
Each year Hashem grants us only one year ahead, which means every year our lease ends completely and we have to ask again for a new life.
Money Found In Shul
You found the money this afternoon, but it was lying all day in the shul’s premises, replied Mr. Shatz. I locked the shul after the last Shacharis minyan, so – if there is no obligation of hashavas aveidah – the shul should acquire the $20 bill, since it was secure in the shul’s premises.
Daf Yomi
An Implacable Foe
‘Therefore Those Who Speak In Parable Say …’
(Bava Basra 78b)
Avinu Malkeinu – A Tefillah To Rise From The Ashes
I would never get to hear my bubby’s voice as she sang me a lullaby. My bubby would never hold me in her arms. I would never get to see her smile. I would never get to taste her delicious Hungarian cakes and delicacies. I would never feel her hand in mine. So many ‘nevers’.
The Psychology And Ethics Of Legal Loopholes
Law helps society, even if certain individuals do not benefit, or even suffer.
Get Involved
I had always dreaded color war. What had suddenly changed? The obvious answer was that for the first time I had been involved in color war.
A Time To Connect
We had a year of sorrow, and bloodshed and it's time for our salvation. It feels almost unfair what we are going through.
Daf Yomi
Must A Typical Sale Be Generous?
‘A Seller Sells Generously’
(Bava Basra 71a)
Mourning, Excessive Mourning, And An End To Mourning
The Talmud notes that when the Beit HaMikdash was destroyed for the second time, there was an increase in the number of ascetics within the Jewish community, who decided to limit themselves by not eating meat or drinking wine. Rabbi Yehoshua asked them why they restricted themselves in this way.
Silence Is Olden
I have observed younger people who will not speak English in front of their elderly grandparents. Those gestures and degree of respect are lost on most of us. Kids today are brought up to feel that their teachers are like buddies and friends.
Unwitting Inspiration
When I walked into the pizza shop not too long ago, I noticed two high school girls holding bentchers and reciting beracha acharona meticulously. It was a chizuk to me about the importance of reciting berachos carefully even in a public and somewhat harried setting.
Daf Yomi
Hung Out To Dry
‘A Roof With A Parapet 10 Tefachim High Is Not Included’
(Bava Basra 63b-64a)
Depressed Or Lazy?
It is notoriously difficult to fully prove or disprove the level of helplessness and depression the person has versus possible laziness and avoidance. Because of this, and the frustration, embarrassment, and confusion, it is difficult for loved ones to respond objectively.
Feeling It
I have a hard enough time balancing all of the responsibilities in my own life. Am I obligated to strive to fully internalize the pain of others? If I am, how can I ever be happy and dance at a wedding or appreciate a sunny day, when there is so much suffering and sadness in this world?
Believing, Despite The Waiting
This is a lesson we must pass on to all to learn from. As dark as it gets, do not despair since the light is right around the corner.
Investing Tzedakah Money
I’m hesitant, though, to move tzedakah money out of the bank account, said the gabbai. What if we suddenly had a great need for the funds around the Yamim Tovim, or if the market crashes…?
Daf Yomi
A Matter Of Priority
‘Lands Shown By Hashem To Moses Are Subject To Tithes’
(Bava Basra 56a)
Managing Unacceptable Thoughts By Accepting Them
The paradox of unwanted thoughts is that by trying not to think them, we are automatically reinforcing them. Thoughts are electrical impulses in the nervous system.
Again Is Now
No one in this generation has any clue. This makes me so sad to tell you but it’s true. Either they don’t know or they don’t care. They are clueless.
Looking Back At Stepping Down
The fact that the rebbe knows that his students are looking up to him, and that he serves as an example for them, compels him to act the part, even if he would not otherwise do so.
The Full Redemption
All the prophecies and all the events that have been going on in the land of Israel, and all over the world, in the past year, all point the finger in the same direction, to Hashem.
Picture For A Friend
I usually don’t accept returns, said Mr. Solomon. I very much need the income. You took two pictures, so you need to pay for them.