Daf Yomi

Hatzalah And Other First Responders ‘Your Life Takes Precedence …’ (Bava Metzia 62a)

Daf Yomi

It’s All In The Giving ‘… Five Laws Require a Minimum Peruta …’ (Bava Metzia 55a)

When Is A Weekly Rental Not A Weekly Rental?

although Mr. Gross offered rental options for all of Pesach or per night; when Mr. Klein opted for the nightly rate and began the rental accordingly, that rate is binding. Thus, he owes $800 for the stay through Friday.

The Clothes Make The Man

A person’s possession is not merely a thing, it is a means by which the world and he interact. Our possessions have an impact on us.

Why Don’t We Say A Blessing Before Reciting The Haggadah?

Most people will be surprised to learn that at one time a blessing was indeed recited before beginning the Haggadah. For some reason, however, the practice was discontinued.

Full Expression

Stevens reminds us that our children benefit from process-oriented praise, rather than outcome-oriented praise; in other words, to highlight the effort, rather than the results.

A Night Of Protection In The Shadow Of War

According to Chazal, the Seder night is a night on which Hashem provides the Jewish people with additional spiritual protection. A night when we are unconcerned with harm. A night when we feel safe. This sense of safety and security finds expression in Jewish law and custom.

How Are We Meant To Help Bring About The Ultimate Geulah, Especially In Light...

Pesach is not only the time to remember our initial redemption from Egypt, but it is also the time of redemption that will pave the way for our future redemption, which is the culmination of that initial redemption.

May Borrowed Tefillin Be Loaned To Another?

The Gemara (Gittin 29a; B.M. 29b) teaches that a person who borrows something may not lend it to others without the owner's permission, replied Rabbi Dayan. This applies even to a sefer Torah, despite the mitzvah involved (C.M. 342:1).

Daf Yomi

The Case Of The Conflicting Commitments ‘A Breach of Faith (Bava Metzia 49a)

Laws Of Baking Shmura Matzah – Then And Now

Although today our matzot are thin and hard, they used to be made thick and soft, and this remains the custom of some Sephardim today.

Mouse Psychology

Presumably, the Yerushalmi calls the mice wicked because instead of merely eating what they need to survive, they also invite their friends over to party.

The Same Evolving Story

Although the redemption happened over three thousand years ago, it has different meaning in every generation.

And They Cried Out And Their Voices Were Raised To The Heavens

Since the beginning of the year we have been going thought so much pain and devastation. So much grief and lamentation. We have troubles from outside and troubles from within. G-d in heaven hear our cry. Master of the world, see our pain. Hashem, our Father save us.

There is No Bracha on an Eclipse

One can say that eclipses could be different from all other created natural anomalies as a matter of Jewish law and are not covered by the general idea of a wonder such that a blessing should be made.

The Fee For A Transcontinental Shidduch

If a shadchan from one place went and made a shidduch elsewhere, his default fee is according to the place where he made the shidduch.

Daf Yomi

Ensnarement and Atonement: ‘The Only Proper Guarding of Coins Is in the Ground’ (Bava Metzia 42a)

Warriors Of Our Nation

I listen as one woman, Chaya, as she is being interviewed about her twin brother, Arnon. She describes how on October 7, her brother was not called up. He simply went to the Gaza border when he heard what had happened. ‘But you have no ammunition! You were not yet called!’ he was told.

What Halachos Will Eliyahu Explain?

Halacha is not “fact.” It is not one decision, but is determined by the Rabbi or Sanhedrin with human intellect to understand how to apply the will of G-d, as expressed by that mitzvah or halacha in a particular circumstance and time.

Drawing The Special Water For Matzah: Mayim Shelanu

There are several reasons for the requirement to use mayim shelanu. According to some, the reason is that the wells and springs are warm in the springtime, and cold water must be used for baking the matzot.

The Ultimate Loot

When I asked my class why we give shalach manos on Purim, one of my students replied, So that our friend gives us back!

What’s The Proper Attitude Toward Cleaning Up For Pesach? Should It Be Stressful?

Those who are cleaning for Pesach must remember that preparation for Pesach is a mitzvah and that theme should always be portrayed so that their children will learn from their actions.

Preparing For Pesach

Today, in our generation there is so much confusion and promiscuity. So what do we think about when we want to prepare for such a holy holiday with so much meaning?

The Case Of The Borrowed Book And The Autograph

The book is worth more with M.F.'s autograph, insisted David. I got it autographed, so I should be able to keep the autographed copy! If you insist on getting your book back, at least pay me the added value of the book!

Daf Yomi

The Difficult Choice ‘His Father’s Lost Object and his Rebbi’s Lost Object…’ (Bava Metzia 33a)

How Drawing From Mesorah Can Support Israeli Soldiers

In this column, I focus on one aspect of the war most commonly experienced by soldiers and other military service members, namely the perpetration of an act that, in the soldier’s perception, violates his moral code and inappropriately caused or contributed to the harm or death of an undeserving victim.

Bells And Whistles

In her mind, all of her ancestors are swaying with her and she hears Baruch Levine singing harmony as she recites the timeless prayer for her children to be scholars and illuminators of the world. And in the middle of the spiritual euphoria (if she is lucky enough to get so far) she feels a tug on her leg. Mommy, can I have apple juice? Mommy, it’s not fair…

Sarcasm In The Torah

There is some fascinating research that seems to show that there is a social function for sarcasm, which actually can aid learning and creativity, notwithstanding the more frequent toxic effects of hostility and passive aggressiveness.

Daf Yomi

The Majority Rule “If The Majority Are Israelites…” (Bava Metzia 24a-b)

The Purim Lottery Ticket Conundrum

When you buy a raffle for another, even with your own money, you acquire it for him as his agent, replied Rabbi Dayan. All the more so if he asked you to lend him the money (C.M. 183:4; Divrei Chaim C.M. 2:21).


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