Photo Credit: David Cohen/Flash90

Rambam lists the 248 positive Mitzvot, along with 365 negative ones, as an introduction to his monumental Mishna Torah. This follows his long “Hakdama”, which is really an introduction to the Oral Torah. (This is not to be confused with the Sefer Hamitzvot which is a distinct sefer.)

At the end he explains the role of Rabbinic Mitzvot, and why they don’t violate “בל תגרע”. He concludes that the prophets and scholars enacted reading Megilla to speak of the praise of Hashem…


כדי לברכו ולהללו וכדי להודיע לדורות הבאים שאמת מה שהבטיחנו בתורה “כי מי גוי גדול אשר לו אלוקים קרובים אליו כה’ אלוקינו בכל קוראינו אליו”

The Torah tells the truth in promising that Hashem is close and hears our Tefilla.

We must realize that WE are the future generations that Rambam is referring to. We must internalize the message that we have the opportunity to pour our hearts out to Hashem in times of need. This is the bond that Hashem כביכול made with us when we reach out to Him.

The plot of the Megilla shifted when Esther demanded from the Jewish people to fast and pray for three days. May we merit salvation as in days of Mordechai and Esther.

Shabbat Shalom and Purim Sameach.

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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh