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Gratitude is something we must do daily, hourly and all of our lives.

It is easy to learn about giving thanks, however, when it comes to actions how many times a day, week, or year do we actually say thank you and appreciate the people we love, people around us and especially Hashem. I would like to show gratitude to Hashem for giving me my parents and everything I have.


This past week my family and I celebrated my mother’s 80th birthday, may she be well and healthy till 120. Our parents bring us into this world and give us everything we need. We say thank you from time to time for various gifts we receive, but how much do we appreciate being brought into this world and being able to be good Jewish people and be able to continue the Jewish nation and keep doing mitzvot and maasim tovim?

In essence we owe every second of our life to our parents otherwise we would not be here in this world and would not be able to do all the good things we do.

I have had many challenges in my life and throughout them all my parents have always been there for me. I love and appreciate my parents to the greatest degree, however, right now I would like to concentrate specifically on my mother, who just celebrated her birthday.

I would like to focus on what my mother means to me. To begin with since I am a woman, I think it’s generally easy to relate to our mothers, as we often have similar roles in life.

The mother cares for the child in the earlier years, and molds the child’s character in a very strong manner. Aside from the mother carrying the child for nine months, giving birth, and feeding them the first couple of years constantly, the mother takes care of the child non-stop emotionally as well.

My mother has given me non-stop love, care and attention since the day I was born. Despite the many challenges I have had in my life, my mother has been with me through thick and thin. My mother was always there for me physically, mentally and emotionally.

I am sure, that I am the person who I am today, due to my mother.

She is always there for me physically to give me a hug, to give me good advice and sometimes, I just know that she is there standing behind me without even saying a word.

I’m sure I take my mother for granted many times and assume she will be around forever, to always be her little girl no matter how old I am, and how successful or able I am to do whatever it is. I’ll always need her.

Celebrating my mother’s 80th birthday took me back on memory lane. I was once again a small child growing up.

Once my mother took care of me more than I helped her. Today the roles are slightly reversed and I help her physically more than she helps me physically, however, mentally and emotionally she will always help me more than I help her.

I believe in my heart that my parents will live and be healthy forever. As our parents get older I get nervous for a moment that one day they will pass from this world.

However, I believe that my mother will never leave me, she will always be with me since my mother has instilled in me so many good quality traits and so many good years that my belief is that my mom will never pass on.

She will always be in my heart and mind forever.

I hope that I’ll have many more years to show her gratitude and love for all the things that she has done and does for me constantly. Happy birthday Ima, I love you so much.


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Michal can be reached at [email protected]