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During a period of my life when a very serious family illness occurred, I was extremely anxious and worried about the outcome. One night, I had a very vivid dream – the kind of dream one tends to recall in great detail upon awakening. I dreamed that I was a passenger in a limousine, which proceeded with great speed on a four or six-lane busy highway.

As I sat in the back seat of the car, looking forward, fear gripped me, as I noticed that there was no driver! In a state of terror, I feared that on such a busy highway, with no one at the steering wheel, a horrendous crash and injury was imminent. Despite this potential danger, the family member who was ill seemed quite happy and calm, as he sat next to me, eating a sandwich. The driver also sat serenely in the back, wearing his chauffeur cap, taking a nap.


“How can we possibly survive?” I thought, “with no one driving this car?” I prepared for the worst – a crash. But then I was amazed to see that the car very deftly and safely changed lanes at the proper times – avoiding any danger of collision with other vehicles, even at rapid speed. The steering wheel was controlled and guided by some unseen force. Thus, in my dream, I acknowledged that some force was guiding and protecting the car and its passengers, causing me to feel very safe and secure.

When I awoke, I recalled the dream in great detail – vivid and astounding – as if the “guided limousine” had really existed. I pondered the meaning of my dream, in an attempt to discern its meaning. Then, in an instant, I became aware of its significance, as I realized that it was a message for me that although this family member was seriously ill, and I was very worried, the outcome would be good. I sensed that G-d was steering the car from danger, keeping us – and especially the ill passenger, safe and well.

And this dream was indeed prophetic, a kind of “gift” from G-d for me, informing me that there would be a number of “bumps” on the road to recovery – problems and sudden, seemingly serious setbacks for this ill person.

Yet, ultimately, looking back, these “setbacks” turned out to be really for the patient’s best – for the good. I recall several turns of events – change of physicians and treatments, delays, etc., which appeared to be potentially detrimental – perhaps delaying recovery. However, after these events unfolded, my family and I discovered that indeed, these changes in treatment were for the patient’s ultimate good, resulting in significant improvement and healing.

Thus, I believe my dream was G-d’s “message” to me that, indeed, G-d is the ultimate “Driver” in our lives, guiding and protecting us. Especially during times when we may lose hope, we need to have emunah, faith, that G-d is very much involved in our lives, and we need to maintain trust that the outcome will be good – even through difficult times.

The Bible is replete with accounts of seemingly negative events, which turn out to be “for the best.” Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers. Then, they sold him to spice traders, to travel in their caravan to Egypt. In Egypt, Joseph was unjustly accused of dallying with the wife of Potiphar, and sentenced to jail in a pit of snakes and scorpions, where he spent 12 tortuous years.

At that point, it would have been hard to believe how being jailed could possibly benefit Joseph, or the Jewish people. Yet, this event was pivotal in our destiny. Jail provided for Joseph, a demonstration to two fellow prisoners – Pharaoh’s cupbearer, and Pharaoh’s baker, Joseph’s ability to accurately interpret dreams.


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